The Basics
Sign Outs
Best Practices
Is white out allowed?
Who is responsible for filling out the Time-In and Time-Out columns?

Time-In: Think Staff. 

Time-Out: The adult picking up the student or the walker who has permission to sign themselves out. 

When is an ER Code used?

When a student is picked up before 6PM (for AR&SJ).

When a student is picked up before 5:50PM (for JE&NU).

Who can pick up Think Students?
Legal parents/guardians or authorized adults, 18 years and older. 
When can PL's fill out their Data Verification Checklists(DVC's)?
Daily before or at the end of program.

During your weekly team meetings.

Any other suggestions?

What color ink can be used?
Blue or black
Can a student have the same time for their Time-In and Time-Out?
No. A student's Time-In and Time-Out must be minimally 1 minute apart in order for the student to

be counted as Present. 

When is a LA Code used?
When a students arrives 15 minutes after program start time. 
How do you correct a signature that is not in blue or black ink?
Have the person trace over their signature with a blue or black pen.

How can you inform your PL's in advance of students who have LA/ER/OSR Forms on file?

Give them a copy of the LA/ER/OSR Spreadsheet.

*You can also have them highlight their students 

JE & NU: Codes will pre-populate on the attendance sheets after you submit the information on the Student Release Tab. 

Attendance was printed for the day, the bell rings and you realize that you printed out the wrong day. What do you do?
Cross out the date and manually write the correct date. 
What is the proper way to record a Time-In?
Time-In is recorded as the actual time the student arrived to program. 
When is an OSR Code used?
When a student attends a non-think together activity during program. 
How is a walker properly signed out?
They sign themselves out with minimally their first name and last name initial. Think Staff will circle and initial the W/Y. 

ROA, ask a volunteer to demonstrate on the board. 


How can you inform your PL's of authorized adults who are allowed to pick up students?

Provide an authorized pick up list.

Think Mart provides EM Cards for parents to fill out.

You can generate a report from City Span.

You can make copies of the enrollment applications.

What does a SUB PL, PL or SC do when they take attendance for another PL?
Cross out the PL's name in the header and write their own first and last name. 
What time formats are acceptable?
Standard for Time-In and Out.

Military is acceptable for Time-Out only. 

What form should be filled out when a student needs to use any code for a long period of time?
The LA/ER/OSR Form. 

How is a walker who does NOT walk for the day properly signed out?

The legal parent/guardian or authorized adult signs them out. Think Staff will cross out the W/Y and write "___pick up" in the Notes column.

ROA, ask a volunteer to demonstrate on the board. 

How can you use your Attendance by Date Report to check that your attendance totals are correct?
Before submitting attendance, recount the individual totals to make sure they match the Attendance by Date Report. If they do not match, check the PL's math and/or City Span for an attendance entry error. 
How do you fix an Attendance Check box error?

Circle and initial the correct marking. Leave the incorrect mark as is. 

ROA show a sample on the board and ask a volunteer to make the correction.

How do you fix an incomplete or messy Time-In/Time-Out?

By writing "TI" or "TO", the time legibly and initialed in the Notes column. 

ROA show a sample on the board and ask a volunteer to make the correction.

How do you properly file a LA/ER/OSR Form?
Log information on the LA/ER/OSR spreadsheet. Submit a copy of the LA/ER/OSR spreadsheet and the original LA/ER/OSR form to the the ROA. 

*Don't forget to make a copy for your site files

JE&NU only: Log information on City Span in the Student Release Tab.

How do you correct a missing signature?
Use a sticky note/sticky flag to remind you or the PL to retrieve the signature. 

AR, JE & NU, you may highlight on your attendance sheets. 

What is the correct way to audit your attendance sheets, row by row or column by column?
Both are correct! Encourage yourself and your staff to do both. Most importantly, take your time! 