True or False
Act it Out
What Can I Do?
Best Practices

Attending school is optional.

False! School attendance is mandatory.


How does my being absent impact the whole class?

Instruction becomes delayed or disrupted in attempts to catch those up and keep the pace of the instruction consistent.


Act out one thing you can do to get to school on time.

(Setting an alarm clock, going to bed early, packing your lunch at night, setting out your clothes the night before, showering at night, eating breakfast at school.)


Who is responsible to ensure a child's attendance?

Students, Parents, School leaders and Community Leaders.


What is a legiminate sickness to stay home from school?

1) If you have a temperature higher than 100F

2) Vomiting or diarrhea

3) Eye infection

Reasons to come: Even if you do not feel 100 percent, you should come to school:


Missing school impacts my learning.

True! When you miss school, you miss important instruction.


How does missing school a lot affect how a child learns and grows?

Lag behind peers and find it difficult to keep up with all aspects of the school and classroom community.


Act out what your parent/guardian might say to you if you do not want to go to school (and you are not sick).

Encourgaging words, consequences, etc....


What does it mean to be chronically absent?

Absences at or above 10% of the school year (around 18 for a school year of 180 days).


Sheila didn't study for a test and begged to stay home from school. Why is this a poor decision?

1) Falling Behind on Learning – Missing school means she will miss important lessons, making it even harder to catch up.

2) Developing Bad Habits – Avoiding challenges instead of facing them can lead to a habit of procrastination and poor problem-solving skills.

3) Increased Anxiety – The test won’t go away, and delaying it may cause more stress when she eventually has to take it.

4) Loss of Trust – If Sheila’s parents or teachers find out she skipped school for the test, it could damage their trust in her.

5) Missed Opportunity to Improve – Even if she isn’t fully prepared, taking the test can help her learn from mistakes and do better next time.


If I wake up late, I might as well stay home. 

False! Being tardy is better than being absent. 


What time should you arrive to school daily to make sure you are in class on time?



Izabelle's mother leaves the house by 6:30am. Izabelle over slept and realized she missed the bus. What steps could she have taken to not over sleep and make it to the bus stop?  SAY or ACT it out.

1) Set Multiple Alarms – She could have set an alarm (or multiple) to ensure she wakes up on time.

2) Create a back up plan with a person (mom, relative, friend) to call and make sure she is awake and up.

3) Go to bed at a reasonable time to be rested in the morning.


What can the school do when students miss too many days?

A letter will be sent to parents when a student has 3 unexcused absences.  Plans should be developed to help get students to school and a truancy petition with the courts should be filed if a student has five unexcused absences in a month or 10 in the academic year.


If coming to school daily gave you superpowers, what power would you want? and why?

Must answer both questions to earn full credit.


Setting an alarm clock can help me get up on time.



What might happen to kids who miss school a lot?

1) there are higher drop out rates

2) Poor work habits that extend beyond school and impact a person in the workforce.

3)  Socially disconnected from peer group and school community.


Javon wakes up, but has difficulty getting out the door on time and missed the bus. What could he have done to catch the bus on time?  SAY or ACT it out.

1)Prepare the Night Before – Laying out clothes, packing her backpack, and getting lunch ready the night before would save time in the morning.

2)Follow a Morning Routine – Sticking to a structured routine (getting dressed, eating breakfast, and brushing teeth efficiently) would help her stay on schedule.

3)Check the Time Frequently – Keeping an eye on the clock could remind her to stay on track.


What are some things that parents can do to help keep their children from missing school?

Build regular routines for bed time and morning. Avoid medical appointments and family trips during school times.  Develop back up plans for getting to school if a problem occurs (family member, neighbor or another parent from school).


If school had an Attendance Rewards program, what kind of rewards would motivate you? Consult with your team to identify 3 rewards.





Staying up late doesn't effect my attendance.

False! If you get enough sleep, you will be well rested and getting up in the morning will be easier and you will be less likely to miss school.


How can being absent impact your grades?

Missed instruction means you're not learning new information that will be reviewed for quizzes and tests, having a direct impact on your grades. 


If you had a personal theme song that played every time you walked into school, what would it be and why?  Sing or recite it.

Creative response


What is impacted if you don't come to school?

Grades, social relationships, homework piles up


If your bed could give you a pep talk, what would it say when need to get out of bed on time and get ready?

Must answer to receive full credit
