When is it mandatory for a child to attend school?
What is age 5.
When a parent/guardian provides a note explaining why the student was absent
What is an excused absence.
A student is considered late after what time at Mary Ann Winterling ES.
What is 8:15 A.M.
Students who miss too many days of preschool have weaker literacy and numeracy skills entering kindergarten.
What is prekindergarten
Seting a regular bedtime, Preparing for school the night before.
What are ways to develop good attendance habits
At what age are students able to be enrolled in a Baltimore City Public School?
What is age 4.
If a student misses at least 5 days a quarter or 2 days a month, he/she are at risk of what?
What is at-risk of becoming chronically absent
This is given to a student that is late to school.
What is a late pass.
Poor attendance can affect children's ability to make and keep friendships
What the affects on child development
Use a tracker such as a calendar, set attendance goals, set an alarm to wake up on time and reminding parents how much they enjoy attending school
What are some ways students can be more accountable for their own attendance
Before or by what month and day do students that are registering for prekindergarten have to be eligible?
What is September 1st.
When a student is absent for 10%(18 days) or more of the calendar school days
What is chronically absent
Each time a child is late 15 minutes or more a day for one quarter marking period, they will miss approximately how many hours of lessons.
What is 50 lessons.
If a student scores on the red level in any subject area, it means this.
What is belowing two or more grade level behind.
Build friendships, expands your knowledge, helps you to be more acceptable of others, teaches you new skills, build self-confidence
What are some social reasons for attending school
What is the age range students are legally required to be enrolled in school?
What is ages 5 through 18.
An absence is considered excused once the parent or guardian provides a note explaining that it was due to one of these reasons
What is death, health issues, religious holiday, court.
An absence is considered excused once the parent or guardian provides a note explaining that it was due to one of these reasons
What is death, health issues, religious holiday, court.
What is by the 3rd grade.
Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance.
What are reasons to attend school.
The purpose of thia court is to improve school attendance and attitude of education in the youth by applying a nurturing manner that will ultimately build a relationship between the family, the school and juvenile Master or Judge
What is Truancy Court
If a child misses 10% of school every few weeks, it makes it harder to
What is not meeting academic goals and relationships.
If a school day starts at 8:00 A.M. and a student comes at 11:15 A.M how will he/she be marked
What is absent
Small group instruction, one-on-one support, subject area interventions
What are supports needed to increase student growth
Regular attendance fosters a classroom community between teachers and children, and students gain background knowledge from discussions while learning in school
What is the importance of attending school