Attention and Types
Limits to Attention
Attentional Test
Using Attention
Brain Regions

What is the processes of selecting and focusing on one or more stimuli for enhancement in processing and analysis?



____ works as a filter to select only the most important stimuli for processing.

Attentional Bottleneck


(top-down) –  attention shifts that come from within according to our interests and goals



Which attention task involves visual search where the target pops out immediately due to a unique attribute?

Feature search


Higher-order attention mechanisms work within two overall networks:

Voluntary attention

Reflexive attention


What is the global, nonselective level of alertness of an individual?



_______ is the model that filters out unattended information right away (at the level of initial sensory input).

Early-selection model


(Bottom-up) involuntary reorientation towards a sudden or important event. Attention is captured and controlled by sensory inputs from lower levels of the nervous system.

Reflexive Attention


Visual search task that is based on two or more features (e.g color and shape) that together distinguish the target from distracters that may share some of the same attributes.

Conjunction search


Which syndrome involves bilateral lesions of the posterior parietal and lateral occipital cortex produce three principal symptoms.

1.Oculomotor apraxia 

2.Optic ataxia 


Bálint’s syndrome


When you read a sentence, your eyes focus on the words and that becomes your central point of visual attention. At the same time, your brain is actively processing the words. This example illustrates how your focus coincides with your sensory orientation.  What type of attention is this?

Overt attention


Attention acts like a _______, shifting around the environment, highlighting stimuli for processing



What type of attention is being tested in the symbolic cuing task which measures reaction time to a stimulus that is preceded by a cue. These cues can be valid, invalid, or neutral. 



This problem asks the question, "How do we know which different stimulus features—colors, shapes, sounds, etc.—combine to define a single object, considering that each of these different stimulus features is processed in a different region of the brain?"

The Binding Problem


Which higher-order attention mechanisms utilize the dorsal stream extending from the frontal cortex to the intraparietal sulcus?

Voluntary attention 


When you're at a park and you act like you're playing on your phone, but you're secretly focusing on your peripheral vision of the person walking by, your focus is independent of your sensory orientation. This type of attention is called?

Convert attention


Give an example for change blindness?

Failure to notice changes when comparing two alternating static visual scenes.

class example: Whodunit video


What type of attention is being tested in the peripheral-spatial cuing task? This task uses a task-irrelevant sensory stimulus that is presented in the location where attention is to be drawn.



The influential idea that in conjunction searches we are coordinating and searching through multiple cognitive feature maps—overlapping representations of the search array based on individual stimulus attributes (a map of colors, a map of shapes, and so on). 

Feature integration theory


This brain structure is responsible for generating and directing attention. Specifically, it is involved in reflexive shifts to a new location after target onset, especially if the stimulus is unexpected.

Temporoparietal junction


You are at an event with loud music and your friend is talking to you. Suddenly, you hear your name from the two girls sitting at the table next to you. You try to filter out the music and your friend's voice to be able to hear what the girls are saying about you. What type of attention are you exhibiting in this scenario?

Cocktail party effect


In this task, two audio recordings are played simultaneously - one in the left ear and the other in the right. Participants focus on the audio presented in the left ear, resulting in accurate identification of that audio, but little knowledge of the unattended audio. What type of task is this?

Shadowing task


Reflexive and voluntary attention typically function together, and effective cues for reflexive attention may involve multiple _______________.

sensory modalities


______ is a syndrome in which no attention is paid to one side of the body or to things presented to that side

Hemispatial neglect


Neuroimaging and EEG have shown brain activation changes linked to attention shifts. The three structures that guide attention shifts are:

Superior colliculus 

 Lateral geniculate nucleus 

