How do you say "Maths" in French?
Les maths
How do you say "a tie"?
une cravate
How do you say "a gym"?
un gymnase
What does "il faut" mean?
You must
Choose the correct PAST time-marker from these 3 options: prochain / dernier / d'habitude
Dernier = last
How do you say "History" in French?
How do you say "a pair of trousers"?
un pantalon
Translate: Dans mon college il y a un terrain de sport.
In my school there is a sports pitch.
What does "il ne faut pas" mean?
You mustn't
Translate: je suis alle
I went
How do you say "Art" in French?
Le dessin
How do you say "a shirt"?
une chemise
Translate: Dans mon college il n'y a pas de piscine.
In my school there isn't a swimming pool.
Translate: Il faut arriver a l'heure.
You must arrive on time.
Translate: J'ai mange dans la cantine avec mes amis.
I ate in the canteen with my friends.
Translate: Ma matiere preferee est l'EPS.
My favourite subject is PE.
Translate: Au college je porte un pantalon marron et un veste marron.
At school I wear some brown trousers and a brown blazer.
Translate: In my school there is an LRC.
Dans mon college il y a un CDI.
Translate: Il ne faut pas quitter le college sans permission.
Translate: J'ai fait mes devoirs.
I did my homework.
Translate: I like French because it's useful.
J'aime le francais car c'est utile.
Translate: I don't like my uniform because it's stupid.
Je n'aime pas mon uniforme car c'est stupide.
Translate: I like my school because there are two canteens.
J'aime mon college car il y a deux cantines.
Translate: You mustn't chew chewing gum.
Il ne faut pas macher du chewing gum.
Translate: It was fun.
C'etait amusant.