Aubrey's favorite romcom movie
What is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?
Aubrey's favorite app
What is instagram?
Aubrey's favorite food to cook
What is pasta?
Aubrey's least favorite genre of movie
What is horror/scary?
Where is Greece?
The length of Aubrey's longest romantic relationship
What is a year and a half?
Aubrey's best friend on snapchat
Who is Liv Beard?
Aubrey's favorite protein to both cook and eat
What is salmon?
Aubrey's all time favorite TV show
What is Grey's Anatomy?
The position Aubrey played in softball
What is short stop?
The number of boyfriends Aubrey has had
What is 4?
Besides Aubrey, this person shows up the most frequent on her instagram page (1 point per post)
Who is Anna Dowson?
Aubrey's favorite dessert to eat
What is tiramisu?
Aubrey watches this when she is sick
What is the Harry Potters series?
Aubrey orders this alcoholic beverage when dining out
What is a tequila soda with "as many limes as you'll give me"?
Aubrey's first boyfriend
Who is Ben Matthews?
Aubrey's snap chat score (within 50,000)
What is 167,000? (117,00-217,000)
Aubrey's favorite appetizer
The amount of hours that Aubrey waited on Ticketmaster buying Taylor Swift tickets
What is 3 hours?
The city where Aubrey gets her hair done
Aubrey's number one non-negotiable trait in her future husband
What is reliability, commitment, consistent, dependable?
Most common type of TikToks on Aubrey's FYP?
What are sliding pictures of tweets/memes?
Where Aubrey buys her fish
Where is Brookies Fish Market?
The only band Aubrey has seen in concert more than once
What is Zac Brown Band?
The lake that Aubrey's cabin is on
What is Lake Vermillion?