Which speaker spoke about the REAL values or behaviours?
James Weller / Akshay Thaker OR
Moksha Nair / Julia Fonseca OR
Stella Ellia
How many people are in James' (direct report) team?
7 (Andrew, Tanji, Martin, Jun, Akshay, Emma, and Michael)
Name 5 different types of fleet
How many people are in the talent team?
4 - Greg, Moksha, Julia and Anky
Name 2 things the Learning and Development department do
Answers may vary e.g.
Compulsory company courses e.g StaySafe, Quality Works etc., Developmental opportunities, External professional development courses – individual basis, National Training & Development Manual, Leadership module training/support
Who spoke about the code of conduct?
People Team speaker OR
Moksha Nair / Julia Fonseca
What do the 4 C's of our purpose stand for?
Creating, Connecting and Caring for Communities
What is the name of the book which causes confusion between loaders and diggers?
The Little Yellow Digger
Why is it important to know the code of conduct?
Answers may vary - accept anything that covers:
Name any 3 of the popular training
Answers may vary but must include:
Light trailer, Concrete saw, Chainsaw Operation, Load security, Lock out, tag out, Spotter & Observer, Small tools, Plan to lift move and place loads, Asbestos awareness, Locating & protecting underground services, Bitumen basic safety & awareness, Wheels, tracks & rollers
Who spoke about Raise?
Rachel Gardner
Name 3 of the 9 services our business covers
Any 3 of the below:
Communications, Resources, Defence, Rail, Water, Energy, Roads and Brides, Airport, Ports
What is the purpose of the programmable GPS technology in the digger that Roger mentioned?
Answers may vary but should be one of the 3 below: Not hitting a service, not hitting powerlines, not swinging into a live lane
What are 2 purposes of having the correct PPE?
Answers may vary e.g. Being visible, Preventing injury etc.
What are 5 CTOs you could sit here at Fulton Hogan?
Answers may vary but may include:
Excavator, Grader, Chip Spreader, Dump Trucks, Tractor Broom, Loader, Truck/& Trailer, Tractor, Gantry Crane, Bitumen Tanker, Bitumen Sprayer, Crane, Roller, Paver, Mill, Bobcat, Ride-on Mower, Tele-handler
Who spoke about Safe People?
Stella Ellia OR
What are the 3 sections of our Sustainability Framework for Auckland and how can you help?
Answers may vary - Social, Environment, and Business e.g. completing an RCP to include environment protection
Name 2 life saving rules that are fleet related
Answers may vary e.g. We always wear our seatbelts, We always keep ourselves away from machinery when we don't need to be near it, We are always competent and licenced to operate plant, We always use fall protection when working at heights, We always keep clear of suspended loads, We always follow the permit process when a permit is required, We always isolate, lock out and test before working on plant and equipment, We always use the PPE required, We are always drug and alcohol free when working
Name 5 things you can find on theHUB
Answers may vary e.g. Tools, people search, articles, links, system updates, alerts, policies or procedures, Yammer, info about us, Locations, News, Communities
What does SkillsView tell someone who has access to the app?
Answers may vary but may include:
who needs assessment, who needs training, who can work under supervision, who is competent, who is able to train others
Who spoke about CO2 emissions?
James Weller / Akshay Thaker
Finish this sentence:
Run it .. .. .. .. ..
Run it as if you own it
Why don't we have fleet that all looks the same?
Answers may vary e.g. we do so many different jobs that it wouldn't be practical to have the same fleet for all jobs
Name 9 of the 18 REAL benefits without using your phone or book
KiwiSaver contributions, long service leave, medical cover, life insurance, retail discounts, EAP or raise, parental leave policy, flexibility policy, career break, tipline, family scholarships, professional memberships, volunteer half day, will writing service, MATES in construction support, overseas pension transfers, optional top ups
Name all 3 te ao Māori workshops - double points if you can also tell us how long each training is for
Only acceptable answer: Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi workshop, Kia Puāwai/Te ao Māori workshop and Marae Protocols workshop