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What is non destructive editing?

Its when edits won't permanently damage the audio.


What format has gigachad Richard?

AAC or Advanced Audio Coding


What is one digital audio recording device?

A Microphone, Headphones or a Radio receiver


What is Rendering?

Taking the tracks in your timeline and mixing them into a final image.


What is one advantage of destructive editing?

Exporting is quicker or is ideal for noise reduction

What us the disadvantage of Apple Lossless?

It can't be played instantly.


How do You Copy in audio?

Set a range around the audio you want to copy and use CTRL+C to copy it then move the marker to where you want the copied audio to be and use CTRL+V to paste.


What is one use of Audio presets?

Audio presets are high quality clips that can help achieve a certain effect or style.


What are Plug-ins?

Plug-ins are a small software that adds different functions to a program. It is also non-destructive.


Which file format had a picture of the blue men?



How do you import?

Drag and drop one or more audio files into an open Audacity project window: this is equivalent to File > Import > Audio. Drag and drop one or more audio files onto the Audacity icon: this is equivalent to File > Open.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of non-destructive audio?

Advantages: Effect order can easily be changed, effects can easily be added/removed

Disadvantages: Number of effects is limited, exporting audio is slow


What is the use of the multitrack recorder?

A multitrack recorder allows one or more sound sources to different tracks to be simultaneously recorded, which may subsequently be processed and mixed separately.


What are the advantages of AAC

It takes up little space, is good for streaming, has a rate of less than a megabyte per a minute of sound and still has better sound quality then mp3.


How does audio recording software work?

Using an Analog-to-digital converter that transforms two channels of audio signals into digital information.


What are the differences between audio rendering and regular rendering?

Audio rendering is when you apply a non real-time or file based process to a sound file a new sound file is rendered with the attributes you defined in the software. 

As compared to rendering mixing all the tracts together into a final image.


How do you export and save?

To export choose File > Export Audio then choose the file format you want to export to in the Format dropdown

To save just choose the Save As command on the File menu


What format is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format that supports both mid and high quality formats?

Ogg Vorbis


What are effects and filters?

Effects are a technique that alters the audio is some way. By modifying the audio, it increases the immersion of the piece of media (shows, movies, radio).

Filters is a process that separates each audio track and gets rid of unwanted elements in the audio. It can block out certain frequencies and let others in.


What are effects and filters and what do they do?

Effects are a technique that alters the audio is some way. By modifying the audio, it increases the immersion of the piece of media (shows, movies, radio).

Filter is a process that separates each audio track and gets rid of unwanted elements in the audio. It can block out certain frequencies and let others in.
