The skin of the outer ear
pinna/ auricle
Honey comb like structure located behind the ear
mastoid bone
The machine used to test a person's ability to hear
What separates the middle and inner ear?
the oval window
The most common cause
middle ear fluid (otitis media)
The test that measures middle ear pressure
The snail shell like portion within the inner ear
the cochlea
A symptom
Fever, pain behind the ear, ear infection, redness/swelling of the bone/lobe, irritability, lethargy, hearing loss in affected ear, fatigue
The symbol < on an audiogram represents
right ear unmasked bone conduction
The name of the middle ear muscles
The tiny incision made in the eardrum to drain fluid
What does OE stand for
occulsion effect
The smallest bones in the human body
the ossicles (malleus, stapes, incus)
The surgery that removes the infection from the bone behind the ear
What is the Hughson-Westlake procedure
down 10, up 5 dB