The anatomy of the human ear consists of the
outer, middle, and inner ear
In ___ hearing, AC and BC are normal and there is no air-bone gap
Perceptual correlate of frequency
Interruption in the chain of bones -due to disease or fracture or abnormal elasticity of the TM
high compliance
Earphones utilize ___ conduction
What is responsible for hearing
Mixed hearing loss could be caused by a disorder of the
inner and middle ear
Speech of sound through a transmitting medium
A measure used in audiology to assess the mobility (or compliance) of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) in response to changes in air pressure within the ear canal
static acoustic compliance
Waxy oil produced by glands in the the ear canal that protect the ear from infection
A unit of measurement of the intensity of a sound in acoustics and in audiometers
The first 10 to 15 milliseconds after the introduction of a signal and originated in the 8th cranial nerve and brain stem
ABR - auditory brain response
A VU meter is used to measure the ___ of an input source
The cochlea is a __-___ space
In ___ HL, AC and BC are impaired due to an issue in the inner ear or hearing nerve
The point in the cycle at which the vibrator is located at a given instant in time
Electrical signals generated by the auditory system at various levels (from the cochlea to the cortex) in response to sound stimuli.
AEPs - auditory evoked potentials
The tympanic membrane vibrates most efficiently when the pressure on both sides is __
tympanic membrane
Age-related hearing loss that develops gradually over time
Distance between any point on the sinusoidal wave and the same point on the cycle of the next wave
Low-level sounds that are generated by the inner ear, specifically by the outer hair cells of the cochlea, in response to auditory stimulation or spontaneously without any external sound.
OAEs - otoacoustic emissions
Defined as the lowest level in dB at which a subject can barely detect the presence of speech and identify it as speech