a personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move his or her torso, arms, legs, or head freely.
What is Restraint?
Who were the 3 participants in this study? (provide brief intro)
Who is Makenna, Josie, and Korbin?
What was an important note about the 'C shape' procedure?
What is- teaching the participants to contact the client's biceps but not to grasp the biceps with fingers.
The concept of distance (procedure #4)
What is avoiding backing away in a straight line, rather, pivot off to the left or right 90 degrees as the backed away to decrease the likelihood that an unexpected aggressive response would be successful
The training that Texana staff need to attend in order to work with aggressive clients
What is SAMA? Satori Alternatives for Managing Aggression
Temporary touching/holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is acting out to walk to a safe location.
What is physical escort? (transport)
The participants' (BTs) primary duties
What is implementing acquisition and deceleration programs for children with histories of aggression and other topographies of challenging behavior?
The concept of "all-in-all-out"?
What is being more than two arm's lengths away from a client or closer than one arm's length if a client exhibits precursors to aggression or other observable indications of agitation.
The concept of bicep- check procedure
What is: if a staff member could not stand two or more arm's length away, they closed the distance by contacting the client's biceps.
Staff were also taught to make a 'C shape' with their hands and make sure they fitted over the client's biceps.
How long were post-training sessions conducted for?
What is- Collected data for 2 months in the natural environment
The current study's purpose
What is: evaluate several procedures that were designed both to present minimal risk to clients served and to assist staff members in mitigating the results of attempted client aggression without relying on physical restraint or seclusion.
This simulated strike was considered a "hit".
If the trainer's simulated strike contacted any part of the participant's head, neck, or torso, excluding the participant's hands or arms.
Participants were instructed to do this ___ if the client attempted aggression while being in C shape contact
What is- moving with the client if they attempted to engage in aggression that was too powerful to apply equal and opposite pressure. Allow the client to move them in the direction of the strike by maintaining contact with the client's biceps and keeping their arms rigid at the elbows.
At what point could a participant get taught to move while holding the bicep check?
What is- demonstration of three instances of proper distance management and bicep checks in a row without requiring corrective feedback
What were the two aggression instances reported during generalization probes?
What is- Makenna- hair pull; Josie- strike to the head twice, Korbin- none
What are some Procedures/steps we can perform BEFORE we resort to restraint?
What is De- escalation, teaching staff to respond to aggression Without immobilizing clients.
Bonus points: assent- based procedures, providing choice, student- led instructions.
Mastery criteria the participant needed to achieve for the all in all out procedure?
What is standing in the correct location three times in a row without requiring corrective feedback
What are your thoughts about the procedures included in this study and the 4 methods to increase staff safety?
Define the final phase of training
What is closing the distance, obtaining the bicep check, moving with the trainer's arms in simulated aggression for 10 s, and then pivoting away at 90 degrees.
What were some limitations listed in the study?
What is-
Psychiatric nurses are highly likely to be victims of vocal or physical violence and in turn experience these adverse side- effects.
What is intent to leave the field, depressive symptoms, stress, and decreased life satsfaction.
What is- crisis management training (basics of ABA, developmental disabilities, de- escalation skills), proactive management procedures, and reactive procedures.
Subjective: What was a possible limitation of the generalization probes and the way they collected data?
What is.... ? O.O
What were some social validity responses shared by participants?
What is..
What are possible future research avenues that were reported?
What is- do these techniques prevent or at least decrease the severity of injuries to staff, need for restraint?, blocking kicks??