Gimme Shelter
Spectacular Sunflowers
1950s Speak
Final Jeopardy

What famous water sport is most commonly associated with Hawaii?


The first written documentation of surfing is often credited to Captain James Cook, the first European to set foot on the islands of Hawaii.


This is the upper area in a home that houses treasures and junk.


Proper insulation is the most important thing when building a house with an attic. Otherwise, you will pay more in energy bills.


Plant sunflowers where they will receive this type of light so they will grow to their full height.

Full sun.

They will grow in filtered sun, but they will not reach those magnificent heights.


People referred to movies or films as this in the 1950s.


It got its name from the flicker caused by lamps in early theater projections. You won’t see the same flicker in early movies when they are on TV.


These were the three original Axis powers (countries) in World War II.

Germany, Italy, and Japan.

The three countries joined together in what was called the Tripartite Pact to keep the United States from entering the war. The counterparts to the Axis powers, which included the United States, were known as the Allied powers.


What devastating event in history occurred on December 7, 1941, on the island of Oahu?

The attack on Pearl Harbor.

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor began around 8:00 a.m. on December 7, killing over 2,000 U.S. personnel. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan a day later. Today, the Pearl Harbor memorial is visited by over two million people per year.


In the United States, these funnels that accompany storms require those in their paths to take immediate shelter and precautions.


Kansas has the highest average annual rate of tornadoes at 96 per year. “Tornado season” begins in April, but they occur throughout the year.


This painter is famous for his series of paintings called Sunflowers.

Vincent van Gogh.

He liked to paint sunflowers that had already gone to seed, and his fellow painters thought this was crude. People paid tribute to him by bringing sunflowers to his funeral.


This starchy food staple was also ’50s slang for money.


Money has a lot of interesting nicknames, including dough, cheese, clams, and more. The U.S. dollar has also been referred to as a buck, while the English pound is known as a quid.


What canned pork and ham product made by Hormel Foods Corporation became wildly popular in Hawaii during World War II?


The canned meat became popular due to its low cost and extended shelf life in 1937 and made its way to Hawaii when Pearl Harbor became a critical U.S. naval base. Today, Hawaii consumes the most SPAM per capita of any state at seven million cans per year.


Don’t get caught on the road during this severe type of snowstorm.

A blizzard.

You should avoid any travel by vehicle or foot during a blizzard.


The tiny florets in the middle of the sunflower turn to these.


You have to crack the shells to get to the seeds. It’s easier to buy shelled sunflower seeds because they are difficult to shell.


This subculture is identified by slicked-back hair and memorialized in a movie starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.

A greaser.

This rebellious group was portrayed in the film Grease.


What is the name of the floral wreath that people wear around their neck and often receive when arriving in Hawaii?

A lei.

In Hawaii, the lei is a symbol of love, friendship, celebration, and greeting. The tradition of receiving a lei began with early Polynesian voyagers. Today, leis are often worn to mark a significant milestone or achievement.


These storms occur in desert areas, and you need to take shelter during one.

A sandstorm.

They can be every bit as damaging as hailstorms.


Sunflowers cannot tolerate this level of soil saturation.

Soggy or excessively wet.

Plant in an area where the soil drains well.


This is the phrase for suddenly accelerating at a high speed while driving.

Flooring it.

In other words, you put the pedal to the metal to increase the speed rapidly.


What is the name of the traditional Hawaiian dance characterized by fluid movements of the hands, hips, and feet?

The hula.

The hula is a dance that is steeped in Hawaiian tradition. It is meant to symbolize culture and community and is used to tell stories, express emotions, and connect with the spirit world.


This type of foundation is often found under houses in colder climates. It consists of an enclosed area between the ground and the home’s first floor and includes short foundation walls that stand on footings.

A crawl space.

The crawl space is slightly elevated, allowing someone to crawl under the entire house to access plumbing or wiring.


This is the sunflower state.


The sunflower is a native plant in Kansas, and the state’s Indigenous people used their seeds for food. You will also see the sunflower on the state flag and on the state quarter


A bully might offer you this, which means “a punch in the face.”

A knuckle sandwich.

A knuckle sandwich usually landed on the mouth.


What is Hawaii’s state flower: 

a) bird of paradise flower

b) yellow hibiscus

c) plumeria

Yellow hibiscus.

This beautiful flower can be found throughout Hawaii, and in 1920 the hibiscus was adopted, in all its colors, as the state flower. However, in 1988, the yellow hibiscus was selected as the state’s official flower.  


When the government asks you to take shelter right where you are due to some type of emergency, the media will use this saying in their warnings.

“Shelter in place.”

You might hear these words when a dangerous criminal is on the loose.


Before a sunflower fully matures, it tracks the sun in what is called this.


Immature flowers “sleep” in a westward-facing position at night and reorient in an eastward-facing position in the morning. Once the flowers open, they continually face in an eastward direction.


This phrase means “looking for trouble.

Cruising for a bruising.

Are you cruising for a bruising means “Are you looking for a fight?” It was used as either a warning to deter the other party from fighting or as an invitation to fight.
