Fads Through the Ages
The Scales of Justice
The Root of All Evil
Wonders of the World
($100) This was the popular term for illegally produced liquor during the 1920s.
What is bathtub gin? In 1920, the 18th Amendment ushered in the era of prohibition. Did you know the 18th Amendment did not prohibit the consumption of alcohol —only its manufacture, sale, and distribution? In 1933, the 21st Amendment restored the legal manufacture of alcohol. Today, Professor Cornelius Ampleforth manufactures small batches of gin under the brand Bathtub Gin.
On a standard traffic light, this color is on the top.
What is red?
This is the term for a serious crime, such as murder, that usually carries a prison sentence of more than a year.
What is a felony?
This is the day after Thanksgiving when people fight for discounted merchandise.
What is Black Friday? Canada and England have their own Black Fridays on the same day as the U.S. Black Friday.
This system of walls is estimated to span 4,000 miles and can be seen from low-Earth orbit but not from the moon as many claim.
What is the Great Wall of China? The original wall dates back to the third century BC.
($200) Today, women wear capris, pants that fall in the calf area. In the 1950s, they were called by this name.
What are pedal pushers?
The Statue of Liberty holds the torch in this hand.
What is the right hand? The left hand holds the tablet of law.
This is the term for a minor crime, such as disorderly conduct.
What is a misdemeanor?
U.S. paper money is made from a combination of two textiles. This is one of them.
What is linen or cotton?
This leaning bell tower has been renovated to correct its lean a number of times, but it still leans.
What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa? The tower began leaning while they were building the third story. Its bells no longer toll because of the fear that their movement contributes to the lean.
In the 1960s, jeans with pant legs that flared out had this name.
What are bell-bottoms?
(No fair looking down.) When wearing a woman’s blouse, the buttons are on this side.
What is left? There is no definitive explanation for the difference in button location on men and women’s shirts
If you’re being sued by someone for breach of contract, your case will be held in this type of court.
What is civil?
Money doesn’t grow on these.
What are trees?
This site of the Roman gladiator fights is the largest amphitheater ever built in the Roman Empire.
What is the Colosseum? Only one-third of the original structure remains.
This was the decade of leisure suits, disco, the pet rock, CB radios, and afro hairstyles.
What were the 1970s?
A stop sign has this number of sides.
What is eight?
A typical jury has this number of jurors.
What is six or 12? These numbers do not include alternate jurors. If a seated juror is dismissed, an alternate takes their place.
This is the denomination of the Canadian loonie.
What is one dollar? The loonie coin got its nickname from the loon on its reverse side. The coin replaced the onedollar bill.
Built in the 17th century by India’s emperor as a tribute to his favorite wife, this UNESCO World Heritage site and popular tourist attraction has been called “the jewel of Muslim art in India.”
What is the Taj Mahal? The structure is built of white marble and bordered by a wall of red sandstone.
This was the decade of Trivial Pursuit, the running craze, skateboarding, and feeling the burn with Jane Fonda.
What were the 1980s? Trivial Pursuit is still alive and well, and many restaurants and pubs hold trivia competitions.
This is in the center of the back of a U.S. one-dollar bill.
What is the word “ONE” (in all capital letters). According to the Federal Reserve, it took six years to design the seal on the back of the bill because the Founding Fathers couldn’t agree on symbols and mottos. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson wanted “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God” as the motto. Franklin wanted to use the turkey as the national bird. Neither of those ended up on the bill.
This amendment protects a defendant against self-incrimination.
What is the Fifth Amendment?
He is the wealthiest Mexican businessman.
Who is Carlos Slim (Helu)? According to a March 2016 Forbes article, Carlos Slim is the fourth wealthiest person in the world. In May 2016, he was worth $54 billion. Slim is in the telecommunications business.
Machu Picchu, the ruins of the Incan empire, is located in the Andes Mountains of this South American country.
What is Peru? With more than 600 terraces, the site has been called an engineering marvel. With no chisels or iron tools, the Inca cut the stones with river rocks.