the self


introduced Augustine to Neoplatonism that challenged his materialistic views and gave him a framework to understand the immaterial world

told him about Victorinus


Augustine's view

the self is inherently flawed due to original sin and is incapable of achieving true happiness on its own - we are constantly seeking something to fill the void

true happiness can only be found in God, the human heart is innately designed to seek God

becoming aware of our limitations and insufficiency of earthly pursuits paves the way for the search for God


Augustine and Monica

Ostia 387 AD after Augustine's baptism

heartfelt discussion about the natural of etenal life and progressed to contemplating the nature of God and happiness in the afterlife

both entered a state of intense spiritual reflection and felt a glimpse of the divine realm

called it "unspeakable" and "beyond expression" - shaped Augustine's understanding of God and the human spirit



was an inspiration to embrace and committ to Christianity


Rousseau's view

the natural self exists before corruption, in harmony with nature and a healthy self interest

social comparison and approval distorts our authentic self and society shapes our identities


weak, divided, and conflicted human will

Augustine believed humans had lost their ability to choose good after Adam and Eve's sin - the human will became weak and inclined to sin

divided between desires of the flesh and desires of the spirit - an ongoing battle between sin and grace

rejected the idea that our will is completely free to choose between good and evil - humans are influenced by past experiences, desires, and God's grace



shared the story of Saint Antony that challenged Augustine's worldly desires


Augustine vs Rousseau

God is the source of identity [vs] our natural self before societal influence is the source

divine grace in shaping the self [vs] education to cultivate the authentic self

internal struggle between good and evil [vs] eternal conflict between the natural self and the social self

personal exploration [vs] critical analysis of society's impact on the self


Method of Ascent

"Interior Journey" - proposes a way to move closer to God through a philosophical and spiritual progression emphasizing the mind's capacity to reflect God's presence

observe the beauty and order of the world (God's creative power)

the material world is subject to change and points to the realm of unchanging perfection

explore the human mind that reflects God's own immaterial and unchanging nature

connect to something universal and eternal through the mind's ability to grasp truth, beauty, and goodness

the soul can ascend towards God, the ultimate source of truth, beauty, and goodness



exposed the shallowness of Augustine's worldly pursuits - Antony gave up all his possessions and devoted himself to God

awoke a more spiritual life in Augustine who was inspired to follow in Antony's footsteps
