This team won the World Series in 2017
Who is the Houston Astros
Fastest land animal
what is the Cheetah
largest organ of the human body
What is the Skin
Luna Lovegood wear shoes to bed for what reason
What is She sleep walks
This board game you earn colored pie shaped pieces answering trivia questions
What is trivial pursuit
The number of players allowed on the field for the pitching team at one time
what is 9
national bird of the United States
what is The Bald Eagle
These two body parts never stops growing
What is the Nose and ears
This determines what house you are assigned to
What is the Sorting Hat
The board game do you have to remove body parts without toughing the side and getting buzzed
What is Operation
This base is most often stolen
what is 2nd base
Only this species of bird that can fly backwards
what is the hummingbird
The human body has blank number of bones
What is 206
Professor Umbridge favorite color
What is Pink
The board game do you use tiles to spell words and earn points
What is Scrabble
the original name of the Houston Astros
what is the Colt 45's
This animal never sleeps
What is the bullfrog
These cells have found Jesus because they never die
what is fat cells
If you are snogging, you are doing what
What is Kissing
The villain in the board game Candy Land
Who is Lord Licorice
what is England
This animal has the longest lifespan
What is the Arctic Whale
This body parts has a unique print other than fingerprints
What is the tongue
The name of the house elf for the Black family
What is Kreacher
The most expensive property in Monopoly
What is Boardwalk