What should users do if their changes in EGA don’t reflected on their dashboard?
They should hit the refresh button. Updating directly from dashboard is instant but is sometimes delayed when tasks are updated outside of Platinum
Due day can be changed in the Workflow tab? True or false
What roles on the ACL have the ability to override a checkout?
1. Managers
2. File owners
3. Engagement leaders
"Third Party Reviewers "
Name a View where the user is able to launch HelpBot?
In Aura Platinum Dashboard, which tab you can view Connect requests and status.
"Team" Tab
Name one Application that user can access/navigate to using the "Application Jumper"
1. Aura Platinum
2. Connect
3. Aura reporting
4. Count
5. PCS confirmation
6. A&C
7. EMW
8. Cross Engagement Center
User will not be able to Checkout an EGA that is in a_______ status.
Not Started
1. SPC
2. OGC
1. Special Purpose Copy
2. Office of General Counsel
What is the due date default for Coaching Note if assignee is not the creator
Two Days
Burndown Chart. How long for the Blue section and Grey Section will take to update after team make an update to the EGA. Both are different.
Blue take 24 hrs to update where the Grey takes 15 mins to update
Can due date be changed for more than one EGA at time? If yes, Name the view where this action can be done.
Yes, Workflow
What happens if an EGA is edited in Aura Platinum while at the same time is being checked out?
The EGA becomes orphaned
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Name 2 Action/functionality that You can be preformed on the Aura client.
1. Engagement check
2.Flag for wrap up
3. Replicate
Name three concepts present in the dashboard of Aura Platinum
1. Outstanding Activities 2. Outstanding EGA 3. EGA to prepare 4. Activities Impeded by me
What are Key indicators and name one?
Key Indicators are action to "My team".
1.Task with our due dates
2. Tasks with due dates issue
3.Task with Placeholder users
4.EGA without client requests
5. % activities with Sue dates Prior to year End 6.% activities with due dates after Year End.
How many Items the user can check out at one time?
User can check out up to 30 items (EGAs or Document Library items) at one time.
Control Deficiencies/Weaknesses
User able to Edit Linked items while the EGA is checked out.
No, Linked items are view in "Read Only"
Which tab in the Dashboard show
1. "Activities Due today"
2."Activities Due in next 7 day(s)" 3."Activities Due in 8 to 15 day(s)"
"Team" Tab
How does the engagement team clear the Due dates in Workflow view
EGA list, right click --> change assignee / Due dates
What action the user must do when an items becomes Orphaned.
User must save the EGA locally and manually incorporate changes. After all changes are included, the EGA can be discarded in Aura Offline.
ToD EGA/Template
"Test Of Details" EGA/Template
Name the new tab in AP that is not currently in aura