True or false: people can only have either sensorineural or conductive hearing loss.
False: mixed hearing loss is a combination of both.
This common challenge occurs when individuals with hearing loss miss key information during conversations. Strategies to address it include reducing background noise, using visual cues, and employing assistive listening devices.
What is a communication breakdown
True or False: Hearing aids are used to fix hearing loss, so that the wearer’s hearing will return to normal.
False. While hearing aids can help amplify sounds, they may not provide the same listening experience as prior to hearing loss.
How many "stations" does sound pass through before reaching the brain?
What do we call the chart which shows the type and degree of a person's hearing loss?
What is the audiogram
In a busy restaurant, where would be an optimal place to sit for a person with hearing difficulties?
a. Back to the wall, facing the restaurant
b. Facing the wall, back to the rest of the room
B. This position allows background noise to flow over your head so that you can more effectively hear your communication partner
True or false: hearing loss is always caused by exposure to loud noise, which damages hair cells in the cochlea.
False! There are many possible causes of hearing loss, including ototoxic medications or genetic factors.
This membrane vibrates in response to sound waves, sending the vibration to the middle ear.
What is the ear drum / tympanic membrane.
A person has chronic ear infections, causing fluid to pool behind the eardrum. This makes it difficult for sound to pass through to the inner ear. What kind of hearing loss would result?
What is a strategy that involves the use of real time translation of speech via a video, zoom call, TV show, etc.?
What is closed captioning
True or False: Lip-reading is an effective replacement for other communication strategies.
False: While it may be a great tool, lip-reading is not a 100% effective strategy. People with hearing loss benefit from using a variety of tools such as assistive listening and self-advocacy in addition to lip-reading.
This snail-shell-like structure, located in the inner ear, is filled with fluid and plays a critical role in the sense of hearing by analyzing the frequency of sound waves.
What is the cochlea
What type of hearing loss is typically associated with aging?
This type of technology amplifies sound and can be used to enhance communication for those with hearing loss, including devices like hearing aids and cochlear implants.
What is assistive listening technology
True or false: Hearing aids are effective when worn on occasion, only when you really need them.
False. This is a common misconception about hearing aids, where individuals believe they can wear them only on occasion when needed, rather than consistently for optimal benefit.
What part of the ear contains organs which contribute to balance or vestibular sense?
Choices: outer ear, middle ear, inner ear
What is the inner ear (semicircular canals)
A cancer patient experiences a side-effect of chemotherapy drugs which damage the hair cells lining her inner ear. What type of hearing loss would result?
Name 2 self-advocacy strategies.
Disclosing the presence of a hearing loss; encouraging others to participate in engagement (asking for slow rate of speech, showing their mouth movements, and patience), requesting accommodations such as closed captions or optimal seating...
What age group is affected by hearing loss?
Everyone. One common myth suggests that hearing loss is solely a condition of older adults, ignoring the fact that it can affect individuals of all ages, from infants to seniors.
These three tiny bones in the middle ear, named the malleus, incus, and stapes, are most commonly known as this.
What are the ossicles