The V4/2 chord and this inversion of viio7 are cousins.
Using solfege syllables, arpeggiate V4/2 of IV from the bass up.
In this 8-bar phrase structure, there is NO return of the initial basic idea.
Contrasting Period
This is the most likely meter for this famous game show theme song.
4/4 or 2/4
The IV chord shares the same bass note and function as this triad.
Using solfege syllables, arpeggiate V6/5 of V from the bass up.
In this 8-bar phrase structure, the initial basic idea returns after a weak cadence in m. 4.
Parallel Period
This is the most likely meter for this Rhianna song.
6/8 or 12/8
This term best describes the phrase structure of the Jeopardy theme.
Parallel Period
These two strong pre-dominant seventh chords both have "fi" in the bass.
V6/5 and viio7
This 8-bar phrase structure type is best known for its immediate repetition of the initial basic idea.
The famous main theme from "The Godfather" is easiest to conduct in this meter.
4/4 (or 2/4)
The viio6/5 chord is a cousin to this inversion of V7.
Using solfege syllables, arpeggiate viio7/V from the bass up.
This phrase structure has four cadences: weak-strong-weak-strong.
Repeated Period
This famous piece by Shostakovich is easiest to conduct in this meter.
3/4 or slower 6/8 or even 12/8
The last note of the first phrase of the Jeopardy Theme ends on this solfege syllable.
These two tonic functioning triads both have "mi" in the bass.
I6 and iii
Using solfege syllables, arpeggiate V4/3 of V from the bass up.
This 16-bar phrase structure is begins with two antecedent phrases and ends with two consequent phrases.
Double Period
The theme song to Ted Lasso is easiest to conduct in this meter.
These are the last three chords of the Jeopardy Theme.