When we exit the school building at 3:40, are we free to go?
When can we go to the safe space?
If we are overwhelmed, upset, and need space.
What is the sign for water?
Three fingers up (make a W).
It is important that we show the adult in the room what? (starts with a R)
Unless there is an emergency, do we ever run in the hallway?
Where do car riders go at 3:30?
The gym.
How long can we stay in the safe space?
Up to 5 minutes.
If I open a snack and no longer want it, where should I put it?
The trash.
True or false. When we walk to the trash we can have our masks pulled down.
Who do the car riders look for in the gym?
Ms. Wilson.
How many people should use the safe space at a time?
One person.
If I have an unopened granola bar that I do not want, where can I put it so a friend can have it?
The extra box by the sink.
True or false. We can take our masks off outside.
Why do you need a teacher's permission to leave the room.
So the teacher know where you are and can keep you safe.
What do we do if someone is unsure how they are getting home?
Talk to Ms. Auray or another teacher.
Are we leaving the room when we are upset? Why?
True or False. Before getting up out of my seat I need to ask Ms. Auray for permission unless it is an emergency.
What class is usually outside with us at recess?
If I notice the person in front of me whispering in line, what should I do?
Give a calm reminder to them.
What time does fifth grade get dismissed?
Fidget spinner, stress balls, breathing strategy cards, Velcro, pillows, writing sheets, crayons, sketchbook.
What are all of the steps for asking to use the bathroom?
Sign, thumbs up, hand sanitizer on desk, sign out, go out the out door, come in the in door, sanitize hands, put hand sanitizer back.
Name 3 recess expectations.
Stay on school grounds, come line up when you hear the whistle, respect people's boundaries, if you feel like you may cough or sneeze space out, no rough play, bring equipment inside.
What should we do if we notice something wrong in the hallways or bathroom?