What famous Australian animal lives in water
Which city have we learned about in english
What is an actor
a person who plays in series or movies
What is the most famous place/things to visit
The opera house
What is a crocodile
A crocodile is a green/brown animal that live in rivers,lakes and some times in salt water
What is the jumping animal in australia,s name
The kangaroo
which city is the australian opera house in
What is the famous actor who played in grease,s name
olivia newton john
What is the second thing that is most famous to visit
the world,s biggest rock
Is australia a part of europa
What is a wombat
a wombat is a shortlegged animal it is very small it also look like a chipmunk
What is the biggest city in australia
What does the famous australian actor who played in the greatest showman
hugh jackman
What park have we learned about in english
crocodillys park
Is there over 20 million people in australia
Yes 24,6 million people
What animal goes on a retirement home when they get old
What is the captical city of australia
What is the world,s biggest rock,s name
uluru or ayas rock
What is the famous bridge in australia named
sydney harbour bridge
What is the name of the australian president
Malcolm Turnbull
What is the most dangerous animal in Australia
Sea whaps
which city does the palazzo versace hotel lay in
Gold coast
What does the new australian serie on netflix
yum mums
What does the famous park in the australian northern territory a bit from darwin
Kakadu nationalpark
Is australia a part of earth