what is the largest fence called?
a rabbit proof fence
name three important item to carry in the outback
radio, water, extra fuel, tools, first aid kit, hat, sunscreen
what is the aboriginal instrument called
what was his name
what are the main carachters called
molly,daisy and gracie
how long is the longest fence in australia
5000 kilometers
how should you bring water to the outback
in small containers
what are they famous for
where does the australians celebrate christmas
by the pool
wher did they end up after they got taken
moore river native settelment
name three australian animals
kangaroo, koala, wombat, dingo, wallabies, platypus
how many posionuos snakes are there in the outback
name three aborignal word
kangaroo, koala, boomerang, budgie, digeridoo and wombat
how long was he there for
9 months
what was their hometown called
what meat are they the largest exporter of
what are the giant farms called
how long has the aborignies lived in australia
60.000 years
where did he live
when did the story take place
in the 1930s
how many sheep are there in australia
140 million
how big is the largest farm
the size of luxemburg(more than 2.600 square kilometers.
when did captain cook arrive
where did he once spend an extended weekend
on a farm
what chore were they told to do when they ran away
emptying the bucket