is the tasmanian devil a animal
what color is a koala
what is great berrier reef
a coral reef
what colors do a clownfish have
it has orange, black and white
can you eat a blob fish
how much does the male weigh
10-12 kg
what is white koalas called?
where is great berrier reef
in the ocean near to australia
where lives the clown fish?
in the great barrier reef
where does the tasmanian devil live
where does koalas come from?
what is an coral reef
a place where there is many corals in the same spot
what is the length of a clown fish
7-8 cm
how long can the tasmanian devil be
50-60 cm long
what tree does koalas live in?
eucaluptus trees
what do you call it when coral kicks the algae out
coral bleeching
what does the bigger clown fish eat
they eat shrinp and worms
in which year was the blob fish voted the ugliest animal in the world
how fast can the tasmanian devil run
25 kmh
what is a koalas baby called
a joey
how big is great barrier reef in km2
348,000 km2
what does happen if the sea anemones tentacles touch any other animals than the clownfish
then it cant move