I am a small marsupial, living on an island just off. The coast from Perth, Western Australia. Visitors to the island find me cute and cuddly.
I was thought to be a made up animal when I was first displayed in England, I have poisonous barbs and I lay eggs
I am the largest of the kingfishers.
I have a young called a joey.I am not a kangaroo as I am arboreal and eat toxic leaves. I rest in tree forks during the hot parts of the day.
I was introduced so that the sport of hunting with hounds could be introduced into Australia. I have a bushy tail.
I am the largest carnivorous mammal in Australia.
Echidnas young are called
I am nocturnal and my head can travel through 270 degrees, so I can see lots of things for me to prey on.
I am called a bin chicken as I enjoy searching through your garbage for food. I like wetlands and eat a variety of small insects and animals that I find.
I was also introduced into Australia as I was considered cute and people missed having me around.Because of very few predators my numbered exploded into the tens of millions. I have furry body and long ears.
I have a back facing pouch and I have cubic scats (poo)
What does the prefix mono mean? In one word.
I am a large flightless bird. The male tends to the young when born. I am omnivorous.I can run very fast across the plains with my long legs.
I have a pouch too but I am a bird. I have a large wingspan and fly to all parts of Australia. I am now in the middle of Australia due to the flooded plains, lakes and wetlands.
I was introduced to attack a beetle that was destroying cane crops in Queensland. I have poison glands on my shoulders and can kill any animal that wants to eat me.
Cane Toad.
I was that star of a in a tv show called Skippy the bush ……………
what am I.
A kangaroo.
Do monotremes feed their young milk.
Yes 👍.
I too cannot fly, but I can swim. I live mainly in the cold southern regions of Australia. My diet mainly consists of fish.
I am a sizeable sea bird with a long wingspan. I live in the colder parts of the world. It is said that I can fly around for years without coming to land. I eat fish.
I am a pack animal from the desert lands, brought to Australia to carry cargo to the outback. I am sometimes called the ship of the desert.
Name 4 Four Australian Marsupials
Kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, wombats, quolls, Tasmanian devils, bilbies, ringtail possums, tree kangaroos.
I am again a flightless bird but live in the rainforests of Queensland. I have a powerful kick and am considered very dangerous.
I am now extinct. I was the largest carnivore in Australia. I lived on an island.
Tasmanian Tiger 🐅.
I am a plant that was introduced into Australia.
I am well adapted to live in dry, warm areas. I have prickles or thorns. Some of my types can grow quite tall, with birds nesting in my trunk. I was the prickly pear and am a type of ……..
Cactus 🌵.