what is a baby tasmanian devil called
what is the heavy weight a hawk can pick up.
what is the main threat to numbat
fox and cats
why is the grey snake endangered?
loss of habitat due to agriculture.
What colour is the Tasmanian Devil's eyes, black, brown, light blue or green?
Light blue
what are the threats to the red goshawk
habitat clearance
how many numbats are the NT
less than 1,000 mature?
what year was the grey snake listed as endangered,
1999, 2010, 2022, 2024?
Which habitat does a Tasmanian Devil live in?
Forested mountains
what is a baby red goshawk called
what is a baby numbat called
In what states are the grey snakes likely to be found
True or false .. Tasmanian Devils lay eggs?
name one stater or territory the red goshawk lives in
are numbats diurnal or nocturnal
strictly diurnal
How long is a fully grown grey snake
Which of these is the Tasmanian Devil .. Carnivore, Omnivore, or Herbivore?
how long does a red goshawk live for
10 years
with habitat does the numbat lives
how many grey snakes left in NSW Australil
What colour is a Tasmanian Devil .. Brown and white, Black and grey, Red and black, or Black and white?
black and white
what is the wingspan of the goshawk
100 to 135 cm
how many numbats are they NT
32and42million years ago,
what is the scientific name for the grey snake
hemiaspis damelli
What noise does a Tasmanian Devil make? Chirp, Moo, Growl or a Squeak?
how many eggs dose a red goshawk have
one to two
what is the numbat coler
reddish brown on body to back stripes
what do grey snakes eat
frogs and skinks
True or false .. A Tasmanian Devil's bite can crush bone?
how many red goshawk are left in the world
900 to 1400
where is a numbat found
across much of arid and semi-arid South Australia
when are grey snakes most active
night time
How many teeth does a Tasmanian Devil have?
what is the top speed of a goshawk
30 to 40
How long is a numbat?
25cm long
what poses a major threat to the grey snake
cane toads
How many Tasmanian Devils are left in the world?
15,000, 7,000, 30,000, or less than 25,000?
Less than 25,000
what do red goshawk eat
How long do Numbats live up to?
Rarely live for more than 5 years.
a grey snake gives birth to how many young each year