POV #1
POV #2
POV #3
POV #4
POV #5
Uses key words such as; I, we, me, us. The narrator is in the story.
What is first person point of view?
Uses commands and instructions and "you" a lot. Puts the reader inside the story.
What is second person point of view?
The person who is telling the story.
Who is the narrator?
Knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters. "All Knowing" Narrator is outside of the story.
What is third person omniscient?
The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters.
What is third person limited?
Uses words such as he, she, they. The narrator is a neutral, impersonal observer.
What is third person objective?
"She wept as she told her mom and dad goodbye" is in this POV.
What is third person objective?
"I love my little puppy more than anything in the world. I just want to hold him all the time," is in this point of view.
What is first person point of view?
"You need to read at least 100 minutes per week to be ready to complete your project," is in this point of view.
What is second person point of view?
Cinderella cried when her stepmother would not let her go to the ball. She felt that her stepsisters and step mom hated her. Her step sisters were secretly jealous because Cinderella was so much prettier than they were. They realized that the prince would never marry them, is in this POV.
What is third person omniscient point of view?
Joey realized that he was going to fail his History test today. He knew that he should have studied once he saw the questions on the test. He certainly had intended on going to the basketball game last night but he did. (POV)
What is third person limited point of view?
To make a taco: First take out a pan to cook the meat in and turn on the stove. Second, you will grate some cheese and chop some lettuce. After you fry your meat you will add a little seasoning. Now, you can assemble your taco and enjoy! (POV)
What is second person point of view?
These are 3 key words are used in first person?
What is I, me, we, us?
This is the main key word used in second person.
What is "YOU?"
These are 3 key words are used in third person objective.
What is they, he, she?
In this point of view the narrator puts the reader directly in the text.
What is second person point of view?
In this point of view the reader really gets to know the characters in a book.
What is first person point of view?
When using this point of view the narrator is viewed as an outsider looking in at the story.
What is third person point of view?
When using this point of view, the narrator is an outsider and he/she knows the innermost thoughts and feelings of one character.
What is third person limited?
The narrator is looking in from outside the story and tells the readers the feelings of multiple characters.
What is third person omniscient?
This is the point of view, if Scarlet wrote a story and describes her interactions with another student.
What is first person point of view?
This point of view would be used in a magazine article about a famous musician.
What is third person limited point of view?
"Because of Mr. Terupt" was written in this point of view.
What is third person omniscient?
Second person point of view would have this effect on the reader.
What is putting the reader directly in the story?
This can be very confusing to the reader and should be avoided when considering point of view.
What is switching point of view?