Authors purpose
You should know...
Informational text structures
Blast from the past

The use of unnecessary information, especially when re-writing or editing 

What is extraneous information 

BONUS BONUS BONUS: What 2 things make a good inference 


Matthew Henson is most commonly known as the first African American to explore the Arctic. He and Robert Peary made several trips to the Arctic in hopes of discovering the North Pole. In 1909, Henson placed an American flag there, accomplishing his long awaited goal.

What is Inform

BONUS BONUS BONUS: Instead of paragraphs poems have ______ and instead of sentences poems have _______


a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form and must always include a reference, or citation, to the original source material.

What is Paraphrase


To become the President of the United States, there are many steps that a candidate must take. First, they need to announce they are running for office and campaign for votes. Next, they must be selected to represent their political party in a caucus, a primary election, and at the National Convention. Finally, American citizens must go to the polls to vote for the candidate of their choice.

What is Chronological order


the BIG topic, or the central point the author is making. It is one or two sentences that describe what the whole passage is about.

What is Main idea


When writing a SCR what 3 things do you need to do?

Re-write the question

Answer the question

Provide evidence for your answer


Reading is the most important academic skill you can learn. Without reading, you would not be able to do any other academic subject. Even in math, you have to be able to read numbers in order to accurately calculate problems. Reading is also important in applying for jobs. In order to get a job, you must be able to read the application so that you can fill it out properly. These two reasons alone should show you the importance of reading.

What is Persuade


refers to the main or overall idea that an author is trying to convey to readers.

What is Authors message


is devoted to defining a complex term or idea. The concept is initially defined and then further expanded with examples and restatements.

What is Description

BONUS BONUS BONUS: When writing a summary, what are 2 things you need


When you read a text but don't understand what you read, what should you do?

What is re-read

BONUS BONUS BONUS: Key details support the ______ ________


When writing an ECR what 5 things do you need to do

Re-write the question

Answer the question

Provide evidence

Explain your evidence 

Summarize what you wrote


Last year, my family visited the zoo. Upon arriving, we headed straight to the penguin exhibit. When we got there, we saw a sign that read “Lost Penguin: If found, please call 202-633-4848.” A picture was displayed below the words. I knew what I had to do. As my family was walking toward the bears’ enclosure, I darted off to the cafe across the way. I snuck into the kitchen and looked for the refrigerator. No sign of the penguin there. I decided to look for a freezer, the kind that is large enough to store food for hundreds, even thousands, of people. When I found it, I was shocked by what I saw inside. I didn’t only find the missing penguin, but I also found several eggs that were almost ready to hatch. I sprinted back to my family; who was now observing the hippopotamuses. I told them everything, and together, we contacted the authorities at the zoo. A few days later, the zoo invited us back to watch the eggs hatch!    

What is Entertain

BONUS BONUS BONUS: What are the 5 plot elements?


refers to the reason why an author wrote a particular piece of text. There are three general reasons why authors write: to inform, to persuade, to entertain

What is Authors purpose


Points out similarities and differences between two or more topics.

What is Compare and contrast


can be described as the beat and pace of a poem

What is Rhythm


Depending on the way it is used the _______ of the word may change

What is meaning or context

Everyone should learn how to ride a bike. It is a good form of transportation. It can also be an enjoyable and healthy activity. It is something that can be done alone or with others. You can use a bike to compete in a race or go on a leisurely ride. Bike riding is fun for people of all ages.

What is Persuade


tells the important events or ideas in a story in your own words. It does not give your ideas or opinions.

What is a Summary


Shows a relationship between the cause of something and the effect that follows as a result.

What is Cause and effect


passage give more information and support the main idea. They can be found throughout the passage.

What is Key details


What are the 5 text structures?





Chronological order


Charlie knew that he had waited until the last minute to do his report. As he quickly typed away on his computer, all of a sudden the power went out. He hadn’t saved his document. He just stared at the screen in disbelief as all his work disappeared. It wouldn’t have been so bad if he had saved it earlier, but he hadn’t. Charlie promised himself that this would never happen to him again.

What is Entertain


is the mood implied by an author's word choice and the way that the text can make a reader feel

What is Authors tone


Voter turnout on Election Day is at an all time low in the United States. To get more voters to the polls, there are several ways to get Americans more interested in the voting process. The government can add more places to vote, allow voters to register on the day of the election, and have voting available online for those who cannot attend. With these small changes, voters from all over the country would be more willing to go vote.

What is Problem and solution

BONUS BONUS BONUS: Where should you always go back to, to find the answer of a question?


The repetition of 2 or more consonant sounds (anywhere in the word)

What is Consonance
