Titles & Text Structures
Paragraphs 1
Paragraphs 2
Text Features

"Gordon Ramsey's Turkey Dinner Recipe"



What does the creator of this ad want readers to do?

Enlist in the US Army


What is the purpose of this paragraph?

Does your dog need a haircut? Then come to Alexia’s Professional Pet Pampering Salon! The moment you walk in, you will be greeted by one of our highly trained pet groomers. They will assist you in choosing a pet care package that is right for you. Wait in our luxurious waiting room where you will have a great view of your pet being taken care of through a large glass window. You are sure to enjoy your experience!

To persuade or convince reader to go to Alexia's Professional Pet Pamering Salon.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is the second smallest planet in the solar system. Named after the Roman God of War, Mars is also often described as the “Red Planet” due to it’s reddish appearance. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere made up of mostly carbon dioxide. Mars is also home to the tallest mountain in the solar system, a shield volcano named Olympus Mons formed over 1 billion years ago.

To inform the reader about the planet Mars.


What is the purpose of this text feature?

To highlight different contributions to the Civil War.


"100 Different Breeds of Dogs and How to Care for Them"



How does the creator of the ad try to convince readers not to vape?

By saying it can lead to health problems


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

Did you know that there are more than 150 species of owls in the world? Some counts indicate that there are more than 220 species of owls depending on how different owls are classified? Owls also have a flattened facial disk that funnels sound to the bird’s ears. Sounds are magnified as much as 10 times to help the owl hear noises humans can’t detect. Humans are threatening these great animals with habitat loss and pesticides that poison the birds.

To describe the owls.


What is the author's purpose for writing this article?

Jessie woke up super excited, today was the day he was going to adopt a pet! His dad took him to the pet store and they stopped in front of the puppy kennel where he found the cutest puppy he had ever seen, a chocolate lab named Lily. His father signed the adoption papers and Jessie took his new pet home. Ever since that day, Jessie and Lily have been inseparable best friends.

To entertain the reader with a cute story.


What is the purpose of this text feature?

It is a diagram that shows the different parts of a flower.


Coronavirus-19 and the Spanish Flu 1918



How does the author try to convince readers to buy the jeans?

By using different models with different shapes and sizes.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

It was a dark and spooky night and I was all alone in the old hotel bed. I tried to go to sleep, but I was too scared! My friends had told me too many stories about staying at this hotel, but I wanted to stay here anyways. All of a sudden I heard a rustling sound on the floor. I covered my head with the blanket in fear!

To entertain the reader with a spooky story.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

Taking care of a pet fish can be easy if one remembers these crucial steps. First, it is important that the fish is fed at least once a day to keep it healthy. It is also very important to change the water once a week to keep the fish in a safe environment. Putting aquatic plants in the tank can also help the water contain oxygen, a gas the fish needs to survive. Finally, it is a good idea to have the tank at a constant temperature with the right amount of light.

To INFORM readers on how to care for a pet fish.

What is the purpose of this map?

To show the weather patterns across the USA


"Britain Keeps Stolen Indian Diamond"

To INFORM the reader that the British are keeping a diamond from India


Why does the creator of the ad claim that "life is easier on an iPhone"?  How will this make people want to purchase this phone.

The ad makes the phone look slim, cool, colorful, easy to use.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

Avocadoes are the superior fruit, and here’s why. Avocadoes can go with any food, they make the perfect compliment to meat, vegetables, chips, and many other foods. They are also great by themselves with a little salt and lemon. There is no other fruit that is as versatile as the avocado. Therefore, it is the best fruit.

To PERSUADE or CONVINCE people that avocadoes are the best fruit.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

My small dog Curry is a great companion, he enjoys sitting on the couch with me to watch movies, long walks, and playing catch. Curry is a very cute Corgi with brown and white fur. He has dark brown eyes and a cute wet nose. His favorite foods are dog food, peanut butter, and whatever falls off the kitchen table at meal time. He gets along well with the other dogs at the park, he even has made a friend. Whenever they see each other, they enjoy running around.

To DESCRIBE the reader's dog.


What is the purpose of this quote within the photo?

To explain who is in the photo.


"Have Pet Owners Gone Too Far? Yes!"

To CONVINCE readers that pet owners are wrong about something.


Who is the targeted audience? What is this ad trying to convince people of?

Teen girls - Don't have a child at a young age.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

The Christmas tree that my mom decorated this year is very beautiful. It has hundreds of lights and every branch glows. The ornaments are all red, green and gold and each glitters and shines brightly. On top of the decorated tree is an angel that lights up. Around the base of the tree are all of the Christmas presents for our family and friends.

To DESCRIBE her mom's Christmas tree.


What is the author's purpose for writing this paragraph?

Pearls are made by a living animal known as a mollusk. A mollusk forms a pearl when it gets a piece of sand trapped inside it’s shell. As a protective measure, the mollusk then coats the grain of sand with a material called nacre. Like how we think of snow flakes, no two pearls are alike because they are made inside of different kinds of mollusks.

To INFORM readers about how pearls are made.


What is the purpose of this map?

To show the different world populations
