Pieces of
Identify the
Author's Purpose
Why did the Author write this?
What is the Author trying to do?
What does the E in PIE stand for?
The E in PIE stands for entertain.
What does entertain mean?
The author's purpose is to to tell a story that makes readers feel an emotion (happy, sad, amused).
Florida is a state in the southern United States. The capital is Tallahassee and the state bird is the mockingbird. There are many beaches in Florida.
The author's purpose is to INFORM the readers.
Mammals are a type of animal. Mammals have warm blood, fur or hair, and give birth to live young. Humans, monkeys, dogs, horses, and even hamsters are all mammals.
The author wrote this to INFORM the readers.
Once upon a time, there lived a princess in a faraway land. One day, she was captured by an evil witch! Soon Prince Charming rushed to save her ... but she didn't need him. She had escaped all on her own!
The author is trying to ENTERTAIN the readers.
What does the I in PIE stand for?
The I in PIE stands for inform.
What does inform mean?
The author's purpose is to to tell information (facts).
Come and get your very own Speedy Scooter! It will make you super fast and let you have tons of fun! You should buy a brand new Speedy Scooter today!
The author's purpose is to PERSUADE the readers.
Ted was nervous about soccer tryouts. He practiced day and night. On the day of the tryouts, he was scared but he did his best. Finally, he found out he made the team!
The author wrote this to ENTERTAIN the readers.
The American Civil War began in 1861. It was a war between the Northern states and the Southern states. Abraham Lincoln led the North to victory.
The author is trying to INFORM the readers.
What does the P in PIE stand for?
The P in PIE stands for persuade.
What does persuade mean?
The author's purpose is to to try to get people to do something or believe something.
Knock, Knock! Who's there? Cargo. Cargo who? Car go beep beep!
The author's purpose is to ENTERTAIN the readers.
Do you want to be an artist? Just take our Awesome Artist class and you will be a famous artist in no time!
The author wrote this to PERSUADE the readers.
I think dogs make the best pets! They are much nicer than other animals and they are very intelligent. You can train them to do all sorts of tricks. Dogs are definitely better than all other pets!
The author is trying to PERSUADE the readers.
What does PIE tell you?
PIE tells us WHY the author wrote the story or passage.
If an author is trying to get you to do something, what is his or her purpose?
The author's purpose is to PERSUADE you.
Fred went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all of the roller coasters. He even tried the roller coasters that spun upside down! He had so much fun!
The author's purpose is to ENTERTAIN the readers.
The spooky haunted house looked extra creepy on the night of Halloween. Many brave children dared to go into the haunted house, but within minutes they all ran out of there as fast as their legs would carry them!
The author wrote this to ENTERTAIN the readers.
If you want to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, follow these directions. First, get bread, jelly, peanut butter, and a knife. Then, put peanut butter on one piece of bread. Next, put jelly on the other piece of bread. Last, put the two pieces of bread together to make your sandwich.
The author is trying to INFORM the readers.
What do all three letters in PIE stand for?
Persuade Inform Entertain
If an author wants to give you lots of information about something, what is his or her purpose?
The author's purpose is to INFORM you.
Dear Mrs. Crimarco, We think you should give us homework every Friday. Our weekends are so boring without homework. Please assign us lots of projects and essays! Sincerely, Your 4th Grade Class
The author's purpose is to PERSUADE the readers.
Rules are very important to follow. They help people get along and they keep things running smoothly. You should follow the rules at all times.
The author wrote this to PERSUADE the readers.
I walked home on Monday and opened the front door as usual. All of the sudden, I heard, "Surprise!" and all of my friends jumped out with presents. My birthday was still a week away! Boy, was I surprised!
The author is trying to ENTERTAIN the readers.