What is the neurological condition often characterized by differences in communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
What is stimming?
Repetitive movements or behaviors, like hand-flapping or rocking, that people with autism might engage in to self-regulate or express emotions.
When is World Autism Day?
April 2nd
All individuals with autism are nonverbal.
Many individuals with autism can speak, while others may communicate using alternative methods like sign language or assistive communication devices.
What is a Visual Schedule?
A tool that uses pictures, symbols, or written words to help individuals with autism understand their daily routines and transitions. Visual schedules provide structure and reduce anxiety by making expectations clear.
At what age are early signs of autism noticed?
2-3 years old
What is a special interest?
A deep and focused interest in a specific topic or activity, which is common in individuals with autism. These interests can be intense and provide comfort or joy.
What is IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)?
A U.S. law that ensures students with disabilities, including those with autism, are provided with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
Autism only affects children; individuals "grow out" of it as they get older.
Autism is a lifelong condition, though individuals may develop strategies and supports to manage challenges throughout their lives.
What is Speech Therapy?
A type of therapy that focuses on helping individuals with autism develop communication skills, including speech, language, and non-verbal communication, such as sign language or augmentative communication systems.
What are some challenges autistic individuals experience?
the triad of impairments (social communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors)
What is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device?
This term refers to the use of a device, like a tablet or communication board, to help a person with autism communicate when they are nonverbal or have difficulty with speech.
What is the Autism Speaks logo?
The Autism Speaks logo features a puzzle piece, which symbolizes the complexity and diversity of the autism spectrum.
The prevalence of autism has increased in recent years.
The number of autism diagnoses has risen significantly, but this is not necessarily due to an actual increase in cases. Improved awareness, broader diagnostic criteria, and a better understanding of autism have led to more individuals being diagnosed at an earlier age, particularly those with milder forms of the disorder.
What is Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)?
A communication system used to help nonverbal individuals or those with limited verbal communication skills to express themselves using pictures or symbols to convey needs, wants, and thoughts.
What is the percentage of boys who are diagnosed with autism compared to girls, with boys being diagnosed more often?
4 times more likely
What is savant syndrome?
A condition where an individual with autism demonstrates exceptional abilities in a specific area, such as mathematics, music, or memory, despite challenges in other areas
Who is a well-known celebrity advocate for autism awareness and inclusion, and co-founded the HollyRod Foundation to support families living with autism and other challenges?
Holly Robinson Peete
Autism is believed to have a genetic basis, with multiple genes contributing to the likelihood of developing the disorder.
Research suggests that autism has a strong genetic component. While specific genes are still being studied, it is clear that genetics play a significant role in the likelihood of an individual being diagnosed with autism. Environmental factors may also interact with genetic predispositions, although no single cause has been identified.
What is Social Pragmatic Communication Therapy (SPCT)?
This type of therapy aims to help individuals with autism improve their ability to engage with others by encouraging reciprocal communication and play through structured social interactions.
What is the common co-occurring condition that affects about 30% of individuals with autism, often leading to challenges in communication and behavior?
What is applied behavior analysis (ABA)?
A therapeutic approach that uses reinforcement strategies to teach new skills and modify behaviors, often used with individuals with autism.
This is the estimated percentage of adults with autism who are unemployed, despite many having skills suitable for the workforce.
The theory that autism is caused by an inability to bond with one's mother, known as the "refrigerator mother" hypothesis, has been disproven, but it was widely accepted until the late 20th century.
The "refrigerator mother" theory, proposed in the 1940s, wrongly suggested that autism was caused by cold, unloving mothers. This theory has been entirely discredited, but it persisted for many years, leading to a lot of stigma and blame for parents. Today, autism is understood to be a neurodevelopmental condition with strong genetic and biological components, not the result of parenting style.
What is Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
A legally mandated document in the United States that outlines specific learning goals, accommodations, and services for students with disabilities, including those with autism, to support their success in school.