COL 403
*1 Vehicles
COL 400
What 4 questions should we be asking for single loss collisions?

What is Speed, Time,Distance, & Look-out. 


Insured is involved in a collision with a rental vehicle from a previous claim, what type of *1 would we list this rental as?

What is TSC - Temporary Substitute Car


CPRS (Child Passenger Restraint System) is required to be asked for and documented in what 2 states? 

What is California & Illinois 


Can we establish on these FOL?

Insured's FOL: V1 was stopped at a red light behind V3 when V2 came and R/E V1 causing V1 to be pushed into V3. 

What is no.

We have to confirm how many impacts V3 felt & also confirm with V2 if there were any other vehicles behind them involved. 


What 2 states may qualify for UPD with further property investigation even if U/U1 is not listed on the policy coverage strip? 

What is Mississippi & New Mexico


When do we establish liability on 403 claims?

We always establish on 403 claims. 


NI traded in his vehicle for a new one at ABC Honda dealership. Since it is a Sunday they have yet to let their agent office know about the vehicle. They leave the dealership and 10 minutes down the road they rear end another vehicle. What kind of *1 would this vehicle qualify as? 

What is NAC Newly Acquired Car 


What are the Six Regulatory Exemptions in CA?

Regulatory Exemption 1:  The insured vehicle was lawfully parked at the time of the accident. A vehicle rolling from a parked position shall not be considered to be lawfully parked, but shall be considered as in the operation of the last operator.

Regulatory Exemption 2: The insured vehicle was struck in the rear by another vehicle and our insured was not convicted of a moving violation in connection with the accident.

Regulatory Exemption 3: The insured driver was not convicted of a moving traffic violation and the driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident was convicted of a moving traffic violation.

Regulatory Exemption 4: The insured vehicle was damaged as a result of contact with a vehicle operated by a hit and run driver and the accident was reported to legal authorities within a reasonable period.

Regulatory Exemption 5: Accidents resulting in contact with animals, birds, or falling objects.

Regulatory Exemption 6: The accident was a solo vehicle accident that was principally caused by a hazardous condition of which a driver, in exercise of reasonable care, would not have noticed; for example: black ice, or in exercise of reasonable care, could not have avoided; for example: a child running out into the street.


NI involved in a loss where COD fled scene by foot and V2 is left at accident scene. PD arrive & only provide PR # to NI... 

Would you consider running UPD tool?  (given it is a UPD state & coverage is there) 

What is no.

We have yet to know if V2 is insured or not. We need to wait for PR to verify if COD insured or not. 


what does the acronym LTL stand for?

What is Left Turn Lane 


Part of Insured Vehicle Striking Another Part of Insured Vehicle. Comp or Coll?

What is comp? 

Damage to the insured vehicle not resulting from a collision with another object, shall be payable under comprehensive only. If a latch breaks and releases a door or the hood, the latch is not covered.


NI has 1 car & their car is currently at being used by their son. NI needs a car so they borrow a family members car. Unfortunately NI has a collision w/ the borrowed vehicle. What kind of *1 would this be reported as? 

What is NOC Non-Owned Car


TX Claim, NID is at fault 100%, no exceptions apply. What driver code would apply?

What is Driver Code ID T


When do we open COL 200? 

Several answers 

- When we are at fault

- When liability is tentative & we might be at fault

- If V1 has came in contact with any property (non-vehicle damage)


V1 impacted clmnt while clmnt was riding bicycle. Would this be single vehicle loss or multi-vehicle loss?

What is single vehicle loss. 


Record the claim under the trailer policy as a single-car loss when:

  • The insured trailer was the only thing damaged
  • The trailer may or may not have been damaged by the vehicle pulling it
  • No injuries, property damage, or other vehicles were involved.

Is this True or False



What template number would I use for a NAC (Newly Acquired Car) Investigation? 

What is Template #82

NAC Investigation

Date Purchased:

Date Acquired/Taken Possession:

Date Agent was Notified:

Name of Purchaser:

PA/Title requested:


What team do we add to claim when there is a loss in Mexico?

MRU (Mexico Referral Unit) 


 Liability should be updated for all...

(3 answers )

  • Collision losses
  • Comprehensive losses only when there is a known liable participant for subrogation potential or as outlined in the JR
  • Emergency Road Service only when there is a known liable participant for subrogation potential

What is the amount of days we advise insureds we cover for tow yard mitigation fees?

2 days


Insured riding bicycle would this open as a multi-vehicle loss or single vehicle loss? 

What is multi-vehicle loss


NI's vehicle is being serviced and they were provided a loaner by the dealership. NI left dealership with loaner vehicle and was R/E by V2. What kind of *1 vehicle should loaner vehicle be reported as?

What is a TSC ( temporary Substitute Car) 

New York Investigation pending letter should be sent every how many calendar days to the insured? & how many for claimants? 

Insured: Every 30 calendar days

Claimant: Every 60 calendar days


What are the four elements of negligence when considering liability decision?

1. Duties Owed

2. Duties Breached

3. Actual Damages

4. Proximate cause


What is a Phantom vehicle & can we consider UPD exposure to a phantom vehicle? 

a phantom vehicle is a vehicle that may have caused our accident w/ no contact between V1 and their vehicle. 

UPD may apply when a phantom vehicle/no contact has been made in all states including Vermont see Reassign to Property-Complex
