What joing symptoms are commonly associated with RA?
What is joint pain and swelling?
What are modes of transmission of HIV/AIDS?
Sexual contact, sharing needles, from mother to child.
What is the hallmark symptom of lupus?
What is butterfly rash?
What is osteoporosis commonly known as?
What is silent disease?
Name a common medication used to treat RA.
What is methotrexate.
Name one opportunistic infection commonly seen in AIDS?
What is candida albicans or Karposi sarcoma?
What is an autoimmune disease?
Name a key risk factor for developing osteoporosis?
What is being female or advanced age?
What is the primary difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?
Osteo - degenerative disease - RA is autoimmune disorder
What type of pharmacological treatment is used to manage HIV?
What is antiretroviral therapy (ART)?
What test is commonly used to help diagnose lupus?
What is the antinuclear antibody test (ANA)
What is a common diagnostic test for osteoporosis?
What is a DEXA scan?
What is a typical lab test used to diagnose RA?
What is rheumatoid factor test?
What is the last stage or AIDS characterized by?
What is CD4 cells falls below 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood
This is a coin shaped lesions on the face, scalp and sun-exposed areas that leave scarring.
What is discoid rash?
What lifestyle changes can help prevent osteoporosis?
What is increasing calcium or vitamin D intake, or in engaging in weight bearing exercise?
What are hallmark symptoms of RA?
What are morning stiffness and symmetrical joint involvement?
This pharmacological intervention can be used to control flares and reduce inflammation.
What is corticodsteroid?
Which pharmacological intervention inhibits bone reabsoprtion?
What is Bisphosphonates