This part of the template is first and tells you what the template is about.
The Description.
This service provides automated deployment and scaling service for web apps.
Elastic Beanstalk
What is it called when you design your architecture with independent components so that change or failure of one component does not affect other components.
loose coupling
This is AWS' simplest fully-managed message queueing service.
What is it called when your architecture avoids using EC2?
Serverless (Architecture)
This part of the template generally specifies the logical ID, type, and properties of stuff.
This method of deployment of a new system involves moving a minimal production area to full scale while bringing down the main area of production for updates or repair.
Blue/Green deployment
This software service tests resiliency by randomly terminating VM instances and containers.
Chaos Monkey
This is the maximum size of an SNS message.
256 kB
What is the maximum amount of time that a Lamdba function can run for?
5 minutes
This part of a template specifies what to do with values passed into the template at runtime to customize the launch.
This service provides automated configuration and management of systems at scale.
Systems Manager
One loose coupling strategy admonishes us to create ____ instead of servers.
services (or microservices)
This AWS service allows you to set up, operate, and send notifications to subscribing services in other applications.
You can change components without breaking them if you treat interfaces as a _____.
This attribute of a resources tells the resource to not be created until some condition is met.
Wait Condition
This simple command-line interface allows you to securely manage the configuration of your EC2 instances.
EC2 Run Command
This best practice tells us not to depend too much on how a particular part of our architecture works.
Keep it technology-agnostic
This use case of SQS tells us to wait until we have a bunch of a particular request before processing them all at once.
buffering batch operations
This Best Practice tells us to run failure scenarios on purpose otherwise failure won't happen during testing.
Design with failure in mind
These entries in the template specify how to respond to parameters using key/value pairs.
This handles configuration management using Puppet or Chef (whatever those are).
This is an architectural approach in which application components provide services to other components via a communication protocol.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
To receive an SNS when something happens, you have to ____ to the relevant topic.
What is the name of the alternative to JSON for specifying templates that the module was yammering on about?