What day is Halloween celebrated on?
October 31st
True or False:
Red squirrels represent the preparation of the future.
True or False:
Many countries that live close to the equator do not experience Autumn.
Name at least 2 foods that you would normally see stuffed inside a cornucopia for Thanksgiving?
Beans, squash, corn, pumpkin, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, or mac n cheese
True or False:
The Chrysanthemum represents joy, strength, and light.
What was Autumn originally called?
Who created Thanksgiving?
Name at least 3 colours that the Chrysanthemum flower come in
Red, orange, yellow, peach, white
What does the Latin word "aequo nox" mean?
What did people believe what would happen on Halloween day?
Ghosts would come back to the earthly world and people believed they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes.
What does Autumn represent?
Ripening, Harvest, Abundance, Death, Decay, Maturity, or Adulthood
Name 1 traditional festival that happen in the season of Autumn.
(Halloween and Thanksgiving do not count)
The Day of the Dead
Chinese Moon Festival
Bonfire Night
Hindu Diwali, Festival of Lights
Jewish Holiday of Sukkot
Why is Halloween always celebrated at the end of October?
To honor the end of the harvest season and honor the start of the new year
What does the maple leaf represent?
Love, Longevity, Balance, or Abundance
Why do leaves turn orange and yellow in Autumn?
In Autumn, when the sun weakens and the days grow shorter, the amount of chlorophyll in leaves diminish, making way for new colours.