Name 1 song that we might sing or listen to around the time of Halloween.
Monster Mash, Spooky Scary Skeleton, This is Halloween, Ghost Busters, Purple People Eater...
What type of note value receives one beat.
Quarter note
How many lines are on the music staff?
There are 5 lines on the music staff.
What is tempo?
Tempo is how fast or slow we sing or play music.
What is a composer?
A composer is a person who writes music.
Ghost Busters!
What type of note value receives one half (1/2) of a beat?
An eighth note.
What word do the letter names of the space notes on the Treble Clef spell?
They spell FACE.
What are dynamics?
Dynamics are how loud or soft we sing or play music.
What challenge did Beethoven face during his lifetime?
Beethoven gradually lost his hearing, until he was no longer able to hear.
I was working in the lab late one night...When my eyes beheld...what?
An eerie sight.
What is the difference between rhythm and steady beat?
The beat to the music doesn't stop and keeps us together. It is the steady pulse of the music. The rhythms in music are groups of notes and rests, long and short, put together to make music.
What phrase do we use to help us remember the letter names of the notes on the Treble Clef lines?
Every Good Boy Does Fine
Elephants got big dirty feet.
What does Allegro mean?
Allegro means fast or quickly.
Please name 3 instruments in the woodwind family.
Flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, recorder, piccolo, bassoon...
What type of mood would Halloween music create? Explain your answer.
Spooky, mysterious, creepy....the setting, time of year and where it takes place...the feeling of suspense and Halloween characters like ghosts and witches.
What does a Time Signature look like?
A time signature is NOT a fraction. However, it does have one number on the top and another on the bottom. They are NOT separated by a horizontal line.
What are the letter names of the notes on the FIRST SPACE and THIRD SPACE of the TREBLE CLEF?
They are F and C.
What does mezzo forte mean?
Mezzo forte means medium loud. It is a dynamic.
Please name 3 instruments in the brass family.
"He did the mash...The monster mash! He did the mash!..." It was a what?
A graveyard smash!
What do bar lines separate our music into?
What are the letters names of the notes on the FIRST LINE, THIRD LINE and FOURTH SPACE of the Treble Clef?
E, B and E.
What do moderato and largo mean?
Moderato and Largo are tempo markings. Moderato means not too fast or too slow, medium or moderately paced. Largo means very slow.
Please name 4 percussion instruments.
snare drum, bass drum, maracas, wooden mallets, xylophone, jingle bells, hand bells, triangle, tambourine...