What professional league starts up in October?
The NBA.
What day does Jason come out?
Friday the 13th.
Animals Do This During The Fall To Prepare For The Next Season?
What Is Hibernate And/Or Store Food.
Most Popular Fall Fruit?
What creature convinced Eve to eat the apple?
A serpent
What date does the 2022 World Cup start?
November 20th
What kind of mask is Michael Myers famous for wearing?
A. Plain white mask
B. Hockey Mask
C. Scarecrow mask
Plain white mask
What kind of tree never loses it's leaves?
Name 2 of the 3 most consumed fall drinks.
Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider, Pumpkin Spice Latte
What tree did Adam and Eve eat fruit from?
The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
How many timeouts does each team get in a regulation NFL regulation?
What is the name of the clown in IT?
A pumpkin is made up of approximately how much water?
A. 45%
B. 60%
C. 80%
C. 80% Pumpkins are 80-90% water
Which city produces about five times more pumpkin than any other city in the US?
A. Ohio
B. Illinois
C. Wisconsin
B. Illinois
What day was man created?
The Sixth Day
How many Super Bowls have the Green Bay Packers won?
What is the most popular halloween movie?
Which one of the words below is associated with the sound of wind in the trees and rustling leaves.
A. Psithurism
B. Praire
C. bract
A. Psithurism
The sound of leaves and trees rustling in the wind is considered one of the most satisfying noises of the season. And the next time you hear it, you'll know it has a name: psithurism, which comes from the Greek word psithuros, meaning whispering (the s is silent).
What is the ingredient that is used most when making Pumpkin spice?
Ground Cinnamon
What was the punishment for Adam and Eve?
They were banished from Eden
What is the latest the baseball season has ever gone? (What Date)
November 4th
How many family members are in the Addams family?
The largest pumpkin pie ever weighed nearly ____ pounds.
A. 3,700
B. 2,500
C. 1,000
A. 3,700
According to Guinness World Records, the pie measured 20 feet in diameter, weighed 3,699 pounds, and required 440 sheets of dough. It was made by the New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers in Ohio in September 2010.
What state produces the most maple syrup in the US?
In the bible, the Garden of eden is near the Euphrates River, and which other River?
A. The Tigris River
B. The Jordan
C. Orontes River
A. The Tigris River