what is a state without government and laws.
senator serves?
what is 6 years
public bills
private bills
what is apply to the nation
what is apply to a certain person or place
what is mandatory
what is voluntary
what is a decision by government to forgive people who have committed particular illegal acts or crimes, and not to punish them
sovereignty and popular sovereignty
what is the absolute authority within a given boundary
what is the people rule
what is pass all laws that Congress considers necessary
what is a long speech meant to delay a vote until the bill is changed or "dies"
14th amendment
what is all persons born or naturalized in the US, are citizens of the US and of the state wherein they reside
gag order
what is an order typically a legal order by a court or government, restricting information or comment from being made public or passed on to any unauthorized third party
what is a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution
controlled by Congress
what is all money collected from imports and exports go to the US Treasury
what is observes the party in power, critiques that party, offers solution to political problems
naturalization requirements
what is resident of the US for 5 years, 18 years old, good moral character, speak, read, and write English, pass a US history and gov test, swearing allegiance to the US Constitution and loyalty to the US
Which rebellion proved the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
what is shays rebellion
seperation of powers
what is
legislative- makes laws
executive- enforces laws
judicial- justifies laws
presidential requirements
what is no person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the US, at least 35 with 14 years residency of US
what is favors given as a reward to loyal party members
exceptions of naturalization
what is spouses of citizens-3 years residency, naturalized parent- child under 18 can naturalize automatically, serious federal crimes-revoked citizenship
implied powers
what is political powers granted to the US government that aren't explicitly state in the constitution
mayflower compact year
what is 1620
head of military
what is the president
pocket veto
what is ignoring a bill for 10 days, waiting for Congress to adjourn so no return
civil liberties
civil rights
what is equal protection under the law
Judaical review
what is the ability of the court to declare a legislative or executive act of violation of the constitution