Social changes
Physical changes
Coping strategies of dealing with issues of adolescence and puberty
Tips and tricks
Emotional changes

True or false you gain and loose friends during puberty?

True, your friendship's will change during puberty as you might lose interest in someone, and you may find a new friendship that you find interest in.   


True or false, females grow breasts during puberty? 

Yes, females do grow breasts as they go through puberty, which is caused by hormones.


What can I do when I feel overwhelmed by my emotions during puberty?

When you feel overwhelmed or stressed out you can try to talk to a trusted adult or friend about how you feel or even write in a journal about the feelings and emotions that you are feeling. 


What are some tips and tricks to deal with mood swings?

You can eat healthy and nutrient foods, avoid things like sugars and caffeine do a 30-minute exercise and use mindfulness.


Why do mood swings occur more rapidly during puberty?

This is mainly caused by a combination of hormonal shifts and hormonal changes.


Would you rather be with your friends or family during puberty? 

During puberty you are more likely to want to be with your friends during puberty because you might want more independence and to feel like you can be trusted by your parents.  


Why does your body change during puberty? 

Hormones are the chemical substances in your brain that cause your body to change.


How can I handle mood swings when they occur?

To try and manage your mood swings, take a break and do something that makes you happy or that you enjoy, like listening to music or even doing sports activities to give you exercise to help you calm down and to help control your feelings. 


What are tips and tricks can I use to deal with acne and skin health?

Find the right skin products that suit your skin health and gently wash your face daily.


True or false do you go through emotional changes during puberty?

True, emotional changes during puberty is completely normal your body isn’t the only thing puberty affects.


As you go through puberty do you want to make new friends or stay with old ones? 

It is normal to want to have new friends but again you may want to stay friends with your old friends which is also completely fine. 


What physical changes occur for women? 

The physical changes that can occur for women are things like their breasts can develop which causes them to grow, women's hips may widen, women can start to grow taller, and acne can develop.


what are some ways I can use to deal with stress and anxiety during puberty?

You can practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or even meditations, that can help you reduce your stress and anxiety.


Are there any tips and tricks that I can use to build confidence?

You can learn to take care if your body, create boundaries, spend time with positive people and reframe your negative self-talk.


Why do your emotions change during puberty?

Your body is being rushed by a whole new bunch of new hormones when you’re going through puberty which is causing your emotions too change.


When you grow up is it true that you start to compare yourself to others?

You will as you grow up during puberty and while not going through puberty at some point compare yourself to others which is normal. 


What physical changes occur for males?

The physical changes that occur for males are things like they can grow pubic hair, male’s testicles get longer, they may get wet dreams, they may go through a growth spurt, their voice will crack, and their voices may start to get deeper.


What should I do if I feel lonely or disconnected from my friends?

If you're feeling lonely, try to reach out to your friends to ask if they want to hangout out or join an outside of school activity where you can meet new people with the same interest as you. This can help you feel less lonely and more included.


What are some tips and tricks I can use to deal with peer pressure?

Have an exit strategy, know when to walk away from a bad situation, set boundaries for yourself, and say “no” when you have to, and don't be afraid to say it.  


Why do my feelings get more intense during puberty?

Its hormones, during puberty your brain starts strengthening different parts of your brain that allows it to feel intense and to have a lot of complex emotions.


When you go through puberty do your relationships with people change? 

Whie going through puberty your relationships with people will become more meaningful.


Is it true that both genders hips grow during puberty?

Both genders hips do grow, however hip growing occurs Manley in females.


What should I do if I am feeling very sensitive and it's affecting my friendships?

If you're feeling like this, try ad reach out to your friends and explain how you feel to make you feel better.


What tips and tricks can I use for both females and males during body change?

For both genders you need to deal with things like body odour so use things like deodorant and perfume, except growth, and avoid comparing yourself to others.


Why do I want more independence while going through puberty?

Your relationship with family members might change during puberty as you will want more independence.
