Name 3 animal hybrids from the show
Lion Turtle, Turtle duck, Tigerdillo, Hog Monkey, Buzzard Wasps, Ostrich horse, Cave hopers, Polar dog, Saber-tooth moose lion, wolf bat, bagder moles, etc.
What's the name of Korra's pro bending team?
Fire Ferrets!
Where does Long Feng take people to brainwash them?
Lake Laogai
How many times does Zuko redirect lightning?
Who says this?
"Isn't is obvious yet? I about to celebrate becoming an only child!"
What's his name?
Foo foo cuddlypoops
Who from the original show appears in Legend of Korra?
Uncle Iroh, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Zuko, Toph, Cabbage Merchant, Zhao
What are the names of the light and dark spirit?
Raava and Vaatu
Who didn't get a life altering field trip with Zuko from team Avatar?
Where do the Freedom Fighters reside?
Tree houses
What's his name?
Who are the four members of the Red Lotus?
Zaheer, Ghazan, Ming-Hua, and P'Li
Name as many Avatars as you can
Avatar Aang, Korra, Yangchen, Kuruk, Kyoshi, Wan
What does Zuko use to track Iroh in season 3?
His smelly sandal
What was the invasion day called?
The Day of Black Sun
Draw the four nation symbols from memory!
Why is Tarlok and Amon's blood bending special?
they can blood bend without a full moon (plus many ppl at once)
Who are the original white lotus members?
Joung Joung, Iroh, Bumi, Piando, and Paku
How is Zuko related to Avatar Roku?
Roku is his great grandfather on his mother's side
How is lightning redirection invented?
Iroh invented the technique while studying water benders
What is this instrument called?
Tsungi horn
What's the name of each season of Korra?
Air, Spirits, Change, Balance
What is his name?
Combustion man or SPARKY SPARKY BOOM MAN
What is the inscription on Zuko's knife that his uncle gifts him?
Never Give Up Without A Fight (made in Ba Sing Se)
What's in a locked box in Hama's attic?
A whale-toothed comb