What Color Was Sozin's Dragon?
Where did airbender's tattoos originate from?
The arrow marks on flying bison
What is Sokka's sword made of?
Fallen Meteorite
How old is King Bumi when he sees Aang in Book 1?
How many episodes were the cabbage merchant featured in?
What military rank did Zhao have at the start of Avatar: The Last Airbender?
Who was the last Air Avatar before Aang? Fun fact: They are widely accepted as the most celebrated Avatar in all of Avatar history.
Avatar Yangchen
How many bloodbenders were in Avatar: The Last Airbender and what are their names?
2: Hama & Katara
What is Toph's last name?
What Does Aang Offer The Library Spirit Wan Shi Tong?
A Wanted Poster
Uncle Iroh taught himself how to redirect lightning from studying which bending technique?
Which Chakra Does Aang Fail to Open in "The Guru"?
Thought Chakra
What is Katara and Sokka's mother's name?
What Is The Earth Kingdom Stronghold Omashu Named After?
The Lovers Who Created The Secret Tunnels
The little girls name in 'The Fortuneteller" Who likes Aang is?
What is Zuko's mom's name?
At what time of year are air nomads considered to be at their strongest?
Why did the Water tribe split into the Northern and Southern Water tribes?
Civil War
When King Bumi meets Team Avatar with the Order of the White Loctus, who is he concerned about being missing?
Who is the leader of the Rough Rhinos?
Colonel Mongke
What Is The Name Of Zuko's Grandfather?
What is the biggest cultural difference between the Air Nomad kingdoms vs the other 3 nations?
They are the only nation made up entirely of benders.
How old was Avatar Kuruk when he died?
What is the name of the tournament that Toph competes in and wins by defeating 'THE BOULDER!'?
The Earth Rumble VI
Aang and Sokka Climb a Volcano to Find What Plant in Book One?
Panda Lily