Every physical process of weather is accompanied by, or a result of, a
heat exchange
How can contact be established with a Flight Service Station, and what services would be expected?
Call 1-800-WxBrief, go online to 1800wxbrief.com or radio 122.2 - routine weather reports, current reports on hazardous weather, notams and altimeter settings.
When information is disseminated about a taxiway closure, it will be located in...
FDC Notams, Notam Ds, or Pointer Notams?
Notam Ds
What should be the airborne accuracy of a VOR be?
+-6 degrees
What should be expected when making a downwind landing? The likelihood of...?
The boundary between two different air masses is called a what?
Bonus if you can name all 4 types!
A front.
Occluded front, stationary front, warm front, cold front
This is the type of weather briefing you should request if your flight departure is more than 6 hours in the future.
An outlook briefing.
You are preflight planning in the morning before an afternoon flight. Where would you find information regarding an "Airport surface hot spot?"
In the Chart Supplement! (Green Book)
What procedure could a pilot use to navigate under VFR from one point to another when ground references are not visible?
Dead reckoning, pilotage or VFR is simply not allowed in these circumstances?
Dead reckoning
How should a VFR flight plan be closed at the completion of the flight at a controlled airport?
The pilot must close the flight plan with the nearest FSS or other FAA facility upon landing.
What conditions are necessary for the formation of thunderstorms? (Hint: 3 things)
High humidity, lifting force and unstable conditions
Read the following METAR.
SPECI KMDW 121856Z 32005KT 1 1/2SM RA OVC007 17/16 A2980
Special METAR report for Chicago Midway Airport
12th day at 1856 zulu time
winds from 320 degrees at 5 knots
visibility 1.5 statute miles
ceilings overcast at 700 feet
temp 17C and dewpoint 16C
altimeter 29.80
FAA Advisory Circulars containing subject matter specifically related to airspace are issued under which subject matter?
60, 70, or 90?
90-Air Traffic and General Operating Rules
How many GPS satellites are required to yield a three-dimensional position (latitude, longitude and altitude) and time solution?
When taxiing with strong quartering tailwinds, which aileron positions should be used?
Bonus - how should the elevator be?
Aileron down on the side from which the wind is blowing. Elevator down.
Name the three phases of a thunderstorm and the weather characteristics associated with each stage.
Cumulus phase (updrafts and towering clouds, anvil)
Mature phase (updrafts & downdrafts, rains begins)
Dissipating Phase (mainly downdrafts)
What is indicated by the following pilot report (PIREP)?
TYR UUA/OV TYR180015/TM 1757/FL310/TP B737/TB MOD-SEV CAT 350-390
An urgent pilot report for moderate to severe clear air turbulence from 35,000-39,000 feet.
(Refer to area 2.) Which airport is located at approximately 47 degrees 47 minutes N latitude and 101 degrees 36 minutes W longitude?
9.1.4 (Figure 21)
Fischer Airport
What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 245 radial of Sulphur Springs VOR-DME (area 5) and the 140 radial of Bonham VORTAC (area 3)?
10.2.3 (Figure 24)
Glenmar Airport
Determine the magnetic course from Airpark East Airport (area 1) to Winnsboro Airport (area 2). Magnetic variation is 6 degrees 30 minutes east.
11.5.6 (Figure 24)
075 degrees
What are the two conditions necessary for structural icing to occur/form?
Visible moisture (like rain or cloud droplets) and below freezing conditions.
In the TAF from KOKC, the FM (FROM) Group is forecast for the hours from 1600z to 2200z with the wind from...?
8.4.7 (Figure 15)
180 degrees at 10 knots
(Refer to area 1.) What minimum radio equipment is required to land and takeoff at Norfolk International?
9.2.3 (Figure 20)
Mode C transponder (and ADSB-out) and two-way radio.
The VOR is tuned to Bonham VORTAC (area 3 in Figure 24) and the aircraft is positioned over the town of Sulphur Springs (area 5 in Figire 24). Which VOR indication is correct?
(Figure 24 & 28)
Determine the magnetic heading for a flight from Mercer County Regional Airport (area 3) to Minot International (area 1). The wind is from 330 degrees at 25 knots, the true airspeed is 100 knots, and the magnetic variation is 10 degrees east.
11.6.2 (Figure 21)
352 degrees.