What is our community college?
St. Petersbrug College
What doe s AVID stand for?
Advanced Via Individual Determination
How many scholarships can you apply for?
As many as you want
Where can you find the classroom supplies?
Corner near the office
When are tutorials due?
Monday or Tuesday
What are the different forms of financial aid? (name 3)
Federal Financial Aid
Federal Loans
Institutional Financial Aid
Private Financial Aid
Private Loans
What is the importance of AVID?
College preparation
What websites can you use to find scholarships? (name 2)
Where do you turn in your work?
Turn in slots/box
What do you do when you miss tutorials day?
Turn in the next class
What types of degrees can you earn in college? (name 3)
What are the requirements to be in AVID?
2.5 GPA
Honors classes depending on grade level and how long you've been in AVID
Where can you find textbooks to use?
Book shelf
What is the importance of an AVID Social Contract?
What are the steps to completing a TRF Form?
Initial/Original Question
Key Academic (Vocab)
What I Know
Critical thinking about Initial Question
Identify General Process and Steps
What two types of applications can you use to apply for college?
Common App
Where can you find important dates?
What do you title your scholarship assignments when you upload them to Focus?
What's the Norm?
Ask Questions
Engage fully
Integrate new information
Open your mind to diverse view
Utilize what you learn
How are groups formed for tutorials?
Depending on the subject you did your tutorial on
What is the difference between a college and university?
A college offers a set of degrees in one specific area
A university has a collection of colleges
How do you get kicked out of AVID?
Below 2.5 GPA
Probation/Failing grades
Where can you access scholarships for students who are currently in college?
Search engine in the college's website (ex): SPCollege.edu
How to properly clean the coffee station?
Step 1: Turn OFFF!
Step 2:Take filter out
Step 3: Rinse filter holder
Step 4: Wash pitcher WITH SOAP AND WATER
Step 5: Dry everything
Step 6: clean counter and put everything away
What questions did you have to answer for your reflection?
My POC was...
What I learned about the POC...
This learning is important because...
What I found meaningful about today's tutorial...
One thing my group did well was...
One thing we can improve is...
What types of strategies were useful for completing this tutorial...
I will follow up on what I've learned in today's tutorial session by...