What does GPA stand for?
Grade point average
What does POC stand for?
Point of confusion
Who created the Cornell note-taking system?
Walter pauk
What does TRF stand for.
Tutorial Request Form
What is a HBCU?
A college or university that was originally founded to educate students of African American descent.
On what document are tutorial questions written?
TRF...tutorial request form
What are the three levels of thinking, lowest to highest, according to Costa?
Level 1 Gathering Level 2 Processing Level 3 Applying
In which academic classes can Cornell notes be used?
All classses
What is FAFSA?
A required federal form to recieve need-based financial aid from the government.
What are the characteristics of a peer tutor?
-role model
-well behaved
What are the five stages of focoused note taking?
stage 1-taking notes
stage 2-processing notes
stage 3-connecting thinking
stage 4-summarize and learning
stage 5-applying learning
What AVID debatable activity requires you to "agree to disagree"?
Philosophical Chairs
What is a doctorate?
The highest degree you can earn, which allows you to teach as a college professor; conduct research
How many steps are in the Tutorial process?
What do the letters in the acronym WICOR stand for (in that order)?
Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading
What is the minimum required GPA for an AVID student?
What two college entrance exams are most required by colleges and universities?
The SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) and the ACT (American College Testing)
What is stage 4 of tutorials?
Student presenter gives a 60-second speech ending with the Tutorial question from the POC.
What is the #1 goal of the AVID binder?
to help students maintain notes and school work in one place
DAILY DOUBLE What does the acronym AVID stand for?
Advancement Via Individual Determination