This is that name we went as during our first org collab
RAD x Avidity
This hero, originally added on OW2 release, hails from Australia
What we say to keep fighting aggressively (from our dive era)
Korean boxing
A shortened phrase that refers to how we should play to beat our opponents (and something we should be calling during the game)
win con
The two word phrase Rae and Nat use to describe Hazard's DPS-like playstyle
Fat Genji
The original name of the roster/org last year before we became Avidity
Hypnos NA/Exo NA
They are the most recently added damage hero
To give the enemy progress on the objective and play for taps or to play the clock
milk the cow
What we should do if the enemy has Pharah Ana vs standard hazard comp
Play/go fast
They play opposite to the enemy Hazard
Genji Lucio
Our guest coach from HJD who taught us dive
This is the current value the DPS passive reduces incoming healing (for non-tank heroes)
When the enemy ults, we need to call one of these actions (looking for 2-3 words)
match/kite/live (live optional)
In comps where we have better dive or engage, this is the call we use to prompt us to take more map space for better dive access and pressure
surround them/live in their walls/etc
This hero is most responsible for Kiriko's safety
The sum of the number of seperate times Lampent and Skier have been on this roster/versions of this roster
2 + 2 =4
Because of 5v5, Rae often uses this league term to identify where the enemy has fewer players or resources (or the location on the map where genji lucio should path)
Weak side
What somewhat might say to bait the enemy into ulting
Look scary
In double flanker vs hitscan/soj comps, this is our win condition as the hitscan comp
play slower/poke more/survive their engage/play for armor trade/play soj LOS (will accept any of these)
This term used to call a fast paced comp or playstyle
first tempo
The year Rae was born
These are the names of the subpoints for Suravasa
Market, Garden, Palace, Temple, Ruins
Nenwhy sometimes says this when Wub complains from the grave
Dead don't speak
If this hero marks you in current meta you have to play slower
Genji Lucio taking aggro on Soj allows these heroes on our team to play wider
Soj, Kiri