The 5P model?
What is Plan, Plane, Pilot, Passengers, and Programming
Instruments that get information from the Pitot-Static System.
What is airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator, and altimeter.
The 3 fundamental skills of instrument flying.
What is instrument cross check, instrument interpretation, and aircraft control.
Tolerance for dual VOR check.
3 segments of GPS.
What is space, control, and user.
The antidote to the hazardous attitude of impulsivity.
What is "not so fast, think first."
True Altitude.
What is Height MSL.
The steps for changing attitude.
What is establish, trim, cross-check, and adjust.
RMI always points to.
What is the station.
Terminal full scale CDI.
What is 1 NM.
Flying through a TFR.
What is yes you can, with permission.
Static port blockage without pitot tube blockage.
What is airspeed indicator is inaccurate, vertical speed indicator moves back to 0, and altimeter freezes.
The formula for the control-performance method.
What is attitude + power = performance.
What is finding a heading that keeps the CDI from moving.
GPS for IFR rules.
What is must be certified under TSO C-129.
The process for determining if you can fly with inoperative equipment without an MEL.
What is check the VFR type cert, kinds of operation list, AD's, and 91.205
The turn coordinator displays.
What is rate of turn and roll.
Primary instrument for bank in a stabilized standard rate turn.
Service volume 10 NM out from a localizer.
What is 35 degrees of centerline.
RNP differences from RNAV.
What is containment differences and continuous descent approaches.
The Coriolis illusion?
What is when you make a sudden head movement in a turn.
Magnetic deviation and swinging.
Area of reverse command.
What is where you pitch for airspeed and use power for altitude.
DME requirements.
What is must have DME above FL240 and must have DME on an instrument flight plan using VOR.
Standard holding procedures.
What are 1 minute legs and right turns.