The items most bought on Valentine's Day are flowers, candy, and ...
A: Greeting Cards
Name all the Slack channels where you will find early Engineering Release Notes:
1 - Support-Product
2 - Sales-Product
3 - Product-Sales-Launches
Choose the wrong answer:
Saint Valentine is known as the patron saint of love and romance and is celebrated on February 14th. He is also the patron saint of:
A - Beekeepers
B - People with epilepsy
C - Young people
D - Diamonds
A: Diamonds is the wrong answer
How many test calls are included in our Premium Could Services?
A: 40 test calls included
AVOXI Cloud Service
Who is the first person clocking in the Americas timezone?
Rumour has it that the best-selling love song of all time is Whitney Houston's ... Name the song
A: I Will Always Love You
In January, we covered metrics as we closed out December.
What was the overall case closing percentage?
A: Overall case closing percentage: 100.6%
This person loves monkeys so much. It is the only emoji reaction in their Slack ...
A: Thomas Cook
Name the South American country ...
More than 700 million stems cultivated by farmers reach lovers for Valentine's Day in the US
A: Colombia
Which Slack channel to you go to if you want to check on the status of a JIRA?
A: Ops-JIRA-Review
What is Wikus' DJ name?
A: DJ Levic
Remembering a classic romantic movie, Titanic:
Was there room on that piece of door for both Jack and Rose?
What is Greg's go to Karaoke song?
A: Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi