What are the number of half steps in an Augmented Unison Interval?
Which major key signature is denoted with NO flats or sharps?
How many sixteenth notes are equivalent to one half note?
How many notes are present in a pentatonic scale?
Which two keys are lowered by a half step in the Diminished Chord?
3rd and 5th
What is the term that describes the arithmetic distance and half-step count between notes in intervals?
How many flats denote the A minor key signature?
What portion of the note's time value is added when a note is dotted?
Which number of note is raised/sharpened in the Harmonic Minor Scale (1-8)?
How many notes are present in a 7th chord?
Which type of interval does a Double Augmented Interval invert into?
Double Diminished
How many sharps denote the C-sharp minor (C#m) key signature?
How many eighth notes could fight in a measure that is in 3/4 time signature?
What is the order of tone (T) and semitone (S) steps in the C major scale?
Which type of triad is built on the fourth note of the major scale?
Which number of intervals are considered "imperfect"?
2, 3, 6, and 7
Which minor key signature is depicted with SIX sharps?
D-sharp (D#)
Which type of tuplet has a 3 within the bar above the notes?
Which number of notes in the Melodic Minor Scale are sharpened?
6 and 7
What type of chords have a Major 3rd and an Augmented 5th?
Augmented Triad
What is the lead note of a Major 6th (M6) interval with a root note of C?
How man flats denote the G-flat (Gb) key signature?
How much of 1 beat is equivalent to a dotted eighth note?
Which numbers of notes are taken out of the scale, along with the flattening of the 5th note, in order to create a Minor Blues Scale?
2 and 6
Which three notes are in a D Minor triad in second inversion?
D, F, and A