The recommended (The Guide) or required (AWA - CFR title 9) height (from the resting floor to the cage top) for hamster cages is:
What is 6 inches
The AWA regulations (9 CFR chapter 1 Subchapter A) requires the IACUC to consist (at a minimum) of which of the following?
What is A Chairman, one DVM, one non-affiliated member
According to the Animal Welfare Act, the attending veterinarian (AV) can decide to exempt a dog from exercise due to health considerations. Such exemption must be documented by the AV and, unless the basis of exemption is a permanent condition, must be reviewed how often by the AV?
What is Every 30 days
Which of the following animals is covered by the Animal Welfare Act? a. Rattus norvegicus bred for diabetes research b. Python regius used for teaching purposes c. Ovis aries used for research on animal nutrition d. Gallus domesticus bred for use in neurobiology study e. Mesocricetus auratus used for cardiomyopathy research
What is e. Mesocricetus auratus used for cardiomyopathy research
According to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Animal Care Policy Manual, what is the most effective and efficient method for demonstrating compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations’ requirement to consider alternatives to painful and/or distressful procedures?
What is Perform a database search
If the floor of the primary enclosure of a dog or cat is constructed of wire, the wire must be coated with a material such as plastic or fiberglass if its diameter is less than or equal what measurement?
What is 1/8 inch
According to Animal Welfare Act regulations, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) may use subcommittees to conduct the semi-annual review of the research facility's programs and facilities. These subcommittees must be composed of at least how many IACUC members.
What is (a) 2?
According to the Animal Welfare Act, which of the following nonhuman primates WOULD NOT be considered as requiring special attention? a. Infant marmosets b. Young juvenile squirrel monkeys c. Great apes over 110 lbs d. Rhesus macaques showing evidence of self-injurious behavior e. Female pigtail macaques nursing infants
What is (e.) Female pigtail macaques nursing infants
The Animal Welfare Act regulates the care and treatment of all of the following animals EXCEPT? a. Cavia porcellus b. Peromyscus leucopus c. Sigmodon hispidus d. Trachemys scripta elegans
What is d. Trachemys scripta elegans
Research facilities which obtain cats from sources other than dealers, exhibitors, and exempt persons must hold animals for ____ full days, not including day of acquisition, after acquiring the animal, excluding time in transit, before these animals can be used by the facility.
What is 5 days
According to part 3 of the Animal Welfare Act, not more than ___ adult nonconditioned cats may be housed in the same primary enclosure.
What is 12
According to USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, how long must IACUC records that relate directly to proposed activities be maintained?
What is For the duration of the activity plus 3 years
In accordance with the 1985 Amendment to the Animal Welfare Act, what are the components of a primate environmental enhancement program?
What is Social grouping, environmental enrichment, special considerations, restraint devices, and exemptions.
According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, which of the following animal species must be housed separately when nursing young?
What is Hamsters
Which organization is mandated by the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations to provide information for improved animal care and use in research, testing, teaching, and exhibition?
What is American Welfare Information Center
According to the Animal Welfare Act, which of the following species WOULD NOT be placed in group 6 in reference to space requirements? a. Spider monkeys b. Tree shrews c. Gibbons d. Siamangs e. Great apes over 55 lbs
What is b. Tree shrews
According to the Animal Welfare Act, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must review the research facility’s animal care and use program at least once every six months. Who is given the authority to decide if any identified deficiencies are significant or minor?
What is The IACUC and IO together
According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, which of the following statements describes exercise requirements for dogs? a. Dogs over the age of 16 weeks must be given the opportunity for exercise b. Exemptions must be documented and reviewed by the IACUC every 30 days c. Dogs housed in runs that provide more than 2 times the required floor space for that animal are exempt from exercise requirements d. Group housed dogs are exempt as long as they are compatible groups e. There is no exercise requirement for dogs
What is (c.) Dogs housed in runs that provide more than 2 times the required floor space for that animal are exempt from exercise requirements
As defined in the Animal Welfare Act, which of the following nonhuman primate groups includes brachiating species?
What is Group 6
Each reporting research facility shall submit an annual report to the Animal Care Regional Office responsible for the state in which the facility is located. This report is due in the Regional Office on or before what date of each calendar year?
What is Dec. 1
According to the Animal Welfare Act, which of the following animal species SHALL NOT under any circumstances be housed in outdoor facilities? a. Cats b. Guinea Pigs c. Hamsters d. Rabbits e. Dogs
What is c. Hamsters
The Animal Welfare Act requires the IACUC to conduct continuing reviews of activities involving animals not less than how often?
What is Annually
What species require an enrichment plan?
What are dogs
According to the Animal Welfare Act and its regulations, which of the following species of nonhuman primates would be included in Group 3, regardless of adult weight? a. Spider monkeys b. Cynomolgus macaques c. Rhesus macaques d. Squirrel monkeys e. Savannah baboons
What is b. Cynomolgus macaques
Individual animals in which needed anesthetics, analgesics, sedatives and/or tranquilizers are withheld should be reported in which of the following columns of the annual report to the USDA (APHIS Form 7023)?
What is Column E