True or False:
Sparks is for kids in pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade.
Kindergarten- 2nd grade.
How many dreams did Pharaoh have that he didn't understand?
In the first plague, God turned the Nile River to what?
Did the Israelites suffer all the plagues like the Egyptians?
Who would not let the Israelites leave Egypt? (Hint- He is the king of Egypt.)
"Great is our Lord and mighty in power"-Psalms 147:5
How many dreams did Joseph have about his brothers bowing down to him?
What were Joseph's brothers looking for when they went to Egypt the first time?
We studied the plague of the boils. What is a boil?
Painful bump on the skin.
Who was called by God to save His people from the Egyptians?
How many sections in your book do you have to complete to get an award (jewel or patch)?
What were the Israelites supposed to do so that the destroyer angel would pass over their house during the plague of the first born?
Brush lamb's blood on the sides and top of the door.
Why was life hard for the Israelites when they lived in Egypt?
They were slaves.
Who was Joseph's Dad?
What does the "N" stand for in the word AWANA?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
True or False:
God told the Israelites to eat the Passover meal with their sandals on, walking sticks in their hand and coats tucked into their belt.
Name 5 plagues God sent to Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
Nile to Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Livestock, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, First Born
Who's sack did Joseph's manager put his silver cup in?
What is the AWANA theme verse? (Hint-think book of the Bible, chapter and a verse)
2 Tim 2:15
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
How many days did Joseph have his brothers stay in prison?
What were the 3 things that God commanded the Israelites to eat the night of the 10th plague (Hint: also know as the Passover meal)
Lamb, Bitter herbs, unleavened bread
True or False:
Judah offered to take Benjamin's place in jail when he was caught with Joseph's cup.
Who was Moses' brother?