All Aware

6 dimensions that outlines a client's course of treatment for a specific period of time.

What is a treatment plan?


An assessment when a client reports they have had a recurrence.

What is relapse screening?


Online accredited continuing education system for all Aware Employees.

What is Absorb


This CC has a dog the size of a horse..AKA a Great Dane

Who is...Liz


What does it mean when you hear someone from leadership or the care team say.."Can you bump the thread for me?" and how would you do this?

It means the staff member asking for the email thread cannot find it.... so what you would do is find the client email tread, you hit reply all, and you write something such as bumping for Victoria. That way the staff member that is looking for the email gets it in the top of their inbox. 


This is the way that Direct care Staff will account for their working hours.

What is Aura scheduler?


This is an 11-item scale designed to be administered by a CC. This tool can be used to rate common signs and symptoms of opiate withdrawal and monitor these symptoms over time. 

What is a COWS assessment


This is ARC's incident management portal. This also includes procedures and policies. 

What is Symplr


This staff member is a sound therapist.

Who is..Marchae

Your client reports they are struggling with cravings and would like to go a higher level of care. You have completed the HLOC documentation but have not received an email stating it has been approved yet. Who would you reach out to, in order to get this approval?

Who is JC


 The evaluations of a clients abilities, goals, medications, spirituality, or current status?

What are assessments?


In what week do you help administer the Atlas survey?

What is...week 8.

CC's are to add the Atlas survey to the week 8 workflow. 


This is the secure messaging center that Aware utilizes. 

Its your favorite....TIGER Connect. 


This staff member reports going to 48 states thus far.

Who is...Dennis. 


This is the progress note that you would look for in your clients chart to see if they have been granted an early graduation or cadence change.

What is the “Modality Change” progress note


Documents that govern the clients medical information and records. 


Your client says they need to get their records ASAP for court. However, your client is currently away on vacation for 2 weeks and cannot get the ROI signed. What other option do you have to get your client the medical records they are requesting?

What is a release of information or ROI?

Double trouble

You can tell your client they can find the Medical records request forms on the Aware website. Once on the website they scroll all the way to the bottom and hit "privacy policy" in blue and it leads them to the appropriate documents that they can send in on their own. 


This is the assessment you would complete if your client calls you in week 10 and reports they have changed their mind and would like to participate in therapy now. 



This is ARCs HR, PTO & payroll system.

What is UKG

This staff member reports she is Egyptian and has lived in Egypt as well. 

Who is Stephanie. 


CCMs are now completed during what weeks?

What are..weeks 6 and 40


This is a validated questionnaire that assesses an individual’s recovery capital through 10 questions that measure 10 domains of the clients recovery capital.

Hint (Recovery capital is the measure of internal and external strengths and weaknesses that can be used by the care team to help the client sustain recovery on their 52-week journey from a substance use disorder)

What is...the BARC-10

By gaining a better understanding of a person's strengths and weaknesses in various aspects of their life, the BARC-10 can help guide personalized treatment plans and tailor support to suit each individual's needs.


This is the assessment you would complete when you are requesting the client be approved to go to a detox based on clinical necessity. 

HLOC Assessment

HLOC Admission is the assessment you would complete for every HLOC admission the client has had. 

This is a system that Aware utilizes when needing to obtain/request accurate results from a testing center. 
What is Quest

This staff member reports she delivered a baby on her her home.

Who is Cece. 


When you are requesting a psych NP appointment as a CC you would complete this progress note. 


*True/false: When you have a client concern or need something such as a medication for a client you find the NP's name that your client has already seen and reach out to that person directly for assistance. 

What is the NP Consult Request note.

#2 False! You do not reach out to the provider themselves. You follow the original process once more as needed (filling out the NP consult request note) to get assistance.
