Living Vengence
Varus Passive
2700 gold, 2 ruby cyrstals that build into something, chain vest
sunfire cape.
1. auto attack reset
2. stuns
3. increases this characters passive under a certain thresold
renekton w
What is VelKoz's attack growth (ad gained per level)
Karthus q cooldown is:
1 second
Blooming Blows
Lilla Q
3200 gold, last whisper
sheryada gufgee
1. Fires a projectile
2. Has to recast the projectile to use it again
3. damage done based on distance
Zoe q
What is the maximum amount of health/shield reyna can have in valorant?
Karthus R cooldown is:
200 seconds
King's Tribute
Trundle Passive
2700 gold, builds from fiendish codex and hextech alternator
Horizon Focus
1. aoe
2. heals user if hit champion and slows
3. top laner
Camille W
What is the debuff that Quinn Passive applies on targets called?
Cooldown of elise R?
4 sec
Karthus E
kindle gem, cloth armor, null magic mantle,
locket of the iron solari
1: A Dash
2: Does aoe damage
3: pushes themself back
Graves R
Name 2 auto attack abiltiies/basic attacks that cannot crit no matter the circumstance.
camille q
fiora e
tf w
zac q
zeri autos
Cooldown on Ivern R?
140 seconds
Heightened Senses
Quinn W
3k gold, pickaxe, crit cloak, another item
immortal shieldboww!!!!!!
1. Fires a projectile
2. Slows and applies this champions passive
3. magic damage and grants true sight if hits
Lillia E
What are both names of Camille's E1 and E2?
Hookshot and Walldive
ashe e cooldown is:
5 seconds